Hello,I was diagnosed in December of 2015. My first flare occurred during a job transition, switching companies after six years. My second flare 11 months later in November of 2016 happened after months of working 60-80 HR work weeks at my new job. And my most recent flare from this last weekend was a result from my husband leaving me for another women. I do my best to keep my stress levels low, I eat a paleo diet, no caffeine, no alcohol, and no nuts or seeds. I work out 4-5 days a week and I take my medication on time. Its frustrating that even with all of that Im still not able to control this. And it sounds ridiculous but I miss eating an entire meal. If I eat more than a cup of food at a time my stomach bloats severely and I become constipated. When the flares happen its the same pattern everytime so my most recent flare was caught quick enough and my iv steroids in conjunction with the prednisone Im on is already taking effect. With juggling this disease and loosing my best friend, companion, and lover of 7 years I find it hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel. This disease is physically and emotionally draining. I do not know anyone else with UC or crohns that I can relate to. This disease can be so lonely and cruel. Im not sure what Im looking for other than to vent..
Reply posted for ucresilient49.
It's really nice to know others out there are going through my same things. for years I was going to doctor after doctor who would tell me "your young , your fine". But I knew what I was feeling was not "fine". I was constantly throwing up every morning and had severe sharp abdominal pains. I tried elimination diets to see what was making it worse or better and there was no rhyme or reason . The only thing that really helped was probiotics and reishi medicinal mushrooms. After five years of complaining I finally got in with a G.I doctor and found I have inflammation in my
colon accompanied with bleeding. No official diagnosis yet but I'm hoping with an answer treatment may actual begin to help. I am feeling down and out on energy , I am ready for some answers and some guidance.
Reply posted for andreakloida.
Im so sorry to hear how much you have been struggling. Dealing with health issues on top of tough life issues is so exhausting. I think probably all of us on this site can relate.
The Work of Byron Katie has literally changed my life. She has given me the strength to see myself for who I am. And to find power in what I thought made me weak or a victim. Don't lose sight of the lessons life is giving you. It may not feel like it right now, but all of this is a gift. It's a lesson I continue to remind myself of daily. Life is only as hard as you believe it to be.
Years ago, I was struggling with several other auto immune issues relating to my UC and struggling to make decisions that would please me and my loved ones. My therapist told me that in life, we are alone.That's not to say we can't be loved or go through life with others, but it simply recognizes that the life we live is our choice, no one else's. No one has to live with the decisions I make except for me. It gave me power knowing that. And although I can't say I always remember that, it's something that has stuck with me. You are all you have! And that is okay!!!
Take care of yourself, first and foremost. If you need to cry, let it out. If you need to get mad, do it. But just know that this is your life and the only choice you have to make is how you look at it.
Reply posted for andreakloida.
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I completely understand everything you said. I was diagnosed back in December of 2015. Dealing with everything is definitely a struggle, especially when you feel like you are doing everything you can such as eating right and following all medications properly and still getting little to no results. I'm in the same boat as you. It seems like there really is no more hope. I wish I could give you all the answers, but as for now just know that you are not alone. Keep fighting, stay strong
Reply posted for andreakloida.
I can't imagine how difficult it has been for you to juggle everything in your life. From personal experience, things are amplified when having UC or Crohn's. I myself keep getting flares due to stress as well which stresses me out more because I can't control it and it affects my daily life, it's an endless cycle. It is extremely difficult to live with this diesase but we must not let it define us. I am not going to tell you that there are more fish in the sea and to just keep your head up. Truth is you will cry and feel like giving up but you definitely should not. I have never been married, I am only 22 years old but going through brake ups and flares is so dreadful. Especially when I needed someone to be there for me but so many of my friends had been distant since me having flares limited me from going out and socializing as much. It is very hard but you just need to keep pushing. Cry if you have to, but get up and keep fighting. Find a hobby that relaxes you and helps pass time. Mine is arts and crafts especially painting wood projects. It really relaxes me and helps time pass by when I'm having rough times. I truly hope you feel better soon and of course, you are not alone <3