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Yesterday was my birthday...

Mon, July 28, 2008 12:00 AM

Hey everyone.  So yesterday was my birthday and the evening before my family and friends had an italian themed (ie: carbs I could eat) dinner party for me.  In the past I've always been on the go, traveling, going to Las Vegas, etc for my bday.

It was a VERY different year for me being diagnosed in January and so this year was a LOT more mellow.  My Mom and boyfriend planned it and although it was so fun to be around my friends and family.  So many of which I haven't seen since before I became sick (Dec 23) and having to explain the problems of this disease again and again.  

I spent a large portion of the party in the restroom sick sadly and felt not so great for a lot of the rest.  Everyone tries so hard for me and takes such good care of me, but it's so hard going through something they don't understand.  Everyone brought me wine (which I once loved) which I don't drink now, and it all just felt so different.  Trying to deal with life's differences is what my 28th year is going to be about.  

Just wanted to share with people I know will understand some of my feeling...

Good health to all,

FPO jai13
Joined Jul 28, 2008

Tue, August 19, 2008 11:19 PM

happy birthday! i can relate to a b-day that was different.

i had been having signs of a flare-up but was ignoring them. i had been okay for a few months after one *** ave 6 month period.

i was going to a toby keith concert with my friends. we went to dinner first and i started going to the bathroom a few times and felt the difference and there was the blood. at the concert, i spent most of the time in the bathroom, vomiting as well as the usual!

of course everyone just thinks you are throwing up because you are drunk!

the winter was pure *** . i was put on the prednisone again and had that fun filled ride of side effects. i've been okay the last 2 months and the side effects are slowing down and i'm getting my face back!

this friday my friends and i are going to see toby again and i intend on seeing most of the show this time!

my friends and family are great but there are sooo many ignorant people who just don't get it.

i'm so thankful for the friend who led me to this website so i can talk to others who are going through the same thing.

appreciate the good days that sneak in there!





FPO pistachio215
Joined Aug 11, 2008

Thu, August 14, 2008 9:05 AM

Yesterday was my birthday...Hi,
I actually had to quit for both reasons my UC was out of hand at the time and I had a Dr. that didnt care, plus my job consisted of working in a Nursing home so I was pushing residents around in there wheel chairs and having to stop in my tracks and run to the nearest b-room. I felt unreliable as an employee and had more guilt calling in sick because I knew they needed me. Even though it was hard because I enjoy working it turned out to be better in the long run. It took some time to adjust to though.
I found a great Dr. that works hand and hand with one of the top GI docs at S. Un. and I am currently looking into working somewhere part time close by just a few hours a week to get out of the house. It has taken 10 months to go into remission (still have good and bad days). I have come to the point that I know I cant do what I did before and my husband and family have supported my changes and that has made it easier for me.
For 4 years I thought I could handle work/overtime/moving and everything else and I think I had my wake up call when my proctitis spread to UC so quickly. I have leared to say "no" and have asked for help. These where big steps for me. Ive also changed my eating habits and excersize everyday just a 2-4 mile walk nothing crazy. Even though the Pred. still makes me not feel myself these small changes have centered me as a person.

FPO trissy
Joined May 20, 2008

Wed, August 13, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Trissy.

Hi Trissy,

Thanks for your post.  I am 26 and hate talking about it also.  It's so nice to have family that you can be yourself around.  I can't stand the pred also, I feel like a marshmellow too.  It makes me feel so unsexy!!  I know i need to focus on my health and not worry about my face so much.

I also recently quit my job and now I am dealing with that guilt too.  This is the first time in my life I haven't worked.  I like routine and the accomplishment of a hard day in the office.  Now I am at the point where I feel as though i need to find something but i don't have the confidence with the side effects from pred.  Did you quit because of the UC or the stress of the job?

I wish you the best.

FPO ocnewlywed
Joined Aug 13, 2008

Wed, August 13, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Trissy.

Hi Trissy,

Thanks for your post.  I am 26 and hate talking about it also.  It's so nice to have family that you can be yourself around.  I can't stand the pred also, I feel like a marshmellow too.  It makes me feel so unsexy!!  I know i need to focus on my health and not worry about my face so much.

I also recently quit my job and now I am dealing with that guilt too.  This is the first time in my life I haven't worked.  I like routine and the accomplishment of a hard day in the office.  Now I am at the point where I feel as though i need to find something but i don't have the confidence with the side effects from pred.  Did you quit because of the UC or the stress of the job?

I wish you the best.

FPO ocnewlywed
Joined Aug 13, 2008

Tue, August 12, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Jai13.

Hey Jai

First off...Happy 28th birthday and I'm sorry you feel so sick. I just recently celebrated my 21st birthday and was bumbed too. I see all my friends having a good time and taking down drinks like its water. It sucked for me too just look at them and see they were all having a blast while i was the one sitting with a glass of orange juice. It's difficult to learn new habbits and to redirect yourself, but in the end it's all benificial. We do what we can to stay healthy and try to live a happy/ some what normal life. Hang in there...all will be fine.

FPO skibum1987
Joined Aug 10, 2008

Mon, August 11, 2008 6:05 AM

 Reply posted for Jai13.

Hi Jai-

I'm so sorry you had such a crummy birthday. I can commiserate with you about missing out on special events- I spent this past 4th of July in the ER watching fireworks on a TV (nothing compared to missing what sounds like a kickass b-day party). And it's so annoying, having to keep everything "penciled in" your planner because you're not sure how you will feel that day or hour. Ah! Let me be normal!

No advice, just another voice in your lament...

Oh, and Happy Birthday!!! One year older and one year closer to a cure!

- Missy

FPO krones1066
Joined Jul 17, 2008

Mon, July 28, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Jai13.

I also celebrated my 28th b-day sick as well, My family lives on the East coast and my husband and I moved to the West coast for a job opp.
My husband planned a surprise girls weekend for me and my mom and sister flew out to celebrate with us. It was wonderful I cherished that day so much even though I was so sick.
I to have had to change my life style and it was hard at first but the people that love me for who I am are still by my side and thats whats most important.
Between quitting my job changing my eating habits and saying "no" (that was really hard) I learned I have to listen to myself it has taken me a long time.
My husband and I went home for 2 weeks not to long ago and I have been in remission for a couple of months but still on predisone and other meds so I have the marshmellow face, I said that I wanted to relax and not talk about my problem....(word goes around quickly in our families) When we got home everyone just wanted to make sure I was OK and I ended up talking about UC and educating everyone and it made me feel so good to know that they care and want to understand and I could be open about it. (For 4 years I never talked about it). We laughed because everyone we visited told me where the b-room was and the extra tp, not like I already knew because its my families homes.
Just remember we have our good days and bad and to always focus on the good.

FPO trissy
Joined May 20, 2008

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