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Trying to Get Above Water

Tue, August 12, 2008 11:24 PM

Hey, I have been diagnosed with UC about 2 years ago.  4 years ago, I was told it was IBS, then it because Proctitis and it is now full blown UC.  I am a full time working mother with a long commute to work.

Clearly my lifestyle and disease do not match, yet I am stuck and cannot quit my job as I need to work as this point in our lives.

Every day feels like a slow death of the person I am (was).  I am almost always in a flare up and am struggling to wrap my head around the magnitude of all this and wrap my hands around a plan to get better.

Overwhelmed is an understatement.  I am drowning and Must figure out a way to get my head back above the water so that I can breath and think of a long term solution out of the 'water'.

I am so emotionally and physically drained yet feel I live in the closet with this thing.  As you know, it is not a sexy disease and is not the type of thing you can simply discuss with people.  The worst is my husband that literally sees me suffering REALLY does not get it.

I am truly scared of how depreseed I seem to be.  This is also coupled with  deeply missing my baby when I go to work and I can feel how directly my UC is affected by stress.

Am looking forward to your responses/comments.

Best in health!

FPO kwein
Joined Aug 12, 2008

Wed, August 13, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for kwein.

my favorite is - this search engine will search all career sites.  I would love to have a flexible work schedule. 

good luck!

FPO ocnewlywed
Joined Aug 13, 2008

Wed, August 13, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for ocnewlywed.

Thanks for getting back to me.  Yes, closer to home would be great.  I have been 'searching' but clearly not aggressively enough.

Working from home (telecommute) or more flexible schedule would be even better.  Even though these types of jobs/companies exist--especially in today's globalized & networked world -- I do not know where / how to search for them. 

If anyone has any advice or experience or recommendations  that would be great.


FPO kwein
Joined Aug 12, 2008

Wed, August 13, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for kwein.

Hi Kwein,

I wanted to reply to your post because I can relate to you so much!  I was diagnosed with UC in 2000 and have recently had a bad flare up.  This is the first flare up in 7 years.  The reason for it was my long commute!  I also felt as though I was suffocating.  I was driving an hour and a half one way both to and from work!  It's hard when you are trapped on the road in the car and then stuck in the office all day. 

You are right, it's also hard to explain this to people such as co-workers and friends.  Most of the time I am trying to explain why my face is so puffy from the prednizone. 

What I can suggest for you is to try to find a job closer to home ASAP.  The market is tough right now but it will reduce your stress and improve on your quality of life.  I have put an end to my commute because my body told me 'no more'...  Good luck hunny.

FPO ocnewlywed
Joined Aug 13, 2008

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