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Competent Therapists

Wed, August 20, 2008 2:51 PM

Are there mental health practioners out there who have expertise in helping IBD patients cope with their illnesses?  If yes, how can I find one in my area?  I really have no clue as to how to find and select a skilled mental health professional.  My son, now age 19,  has had UC for about 3 years.  Things are not going well physically right now and I see a change in his mindset and emotions.  I believe, and he agrees, that working with a therapist might help him deal with the many issues that are weighing him down.  Any feedback would be most appreciated.  Thanks.

FPO mommydove
Joined Aug 20, 2008

Wed, August 20, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Sonya.

Sonya, thanks so much for the reply and advice.  I will pursue both avenues tomorrow.  I am so glad to hear that things are going well for your daughter now.  Continued blessings to her and you.

FPO mommydove
Joined Aug 20, 2008

Wed, August 20, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for mommydove.

I am so sorry and understand how you are feeling. My daughter is 15, has UC and really went through so much emotionally as you can imagine teenage girls are so mean, she ended up leaving traditional school because she couldn't deal with the drama.  The first thing I did was go on our health insurance's website and looked up differed practioners and I was lucky enough to find one that specifically listed someone who specialized in cronic illness and as it ended up she had a neice who had recently lost her colon to UC she was fabulous for my daughter and helped her get on track, ofcourse for awhile it did include taking meds for depression/anxiety (about 6 months) she is all weined off now and doing really great, she started a new school today and seemed to like it,she was smiling and is chatty, I feel blessed.  Also try talking to your doc maybe he/she can help you with a reference to someone they use because as I understand it depression is not uncommon to those dealing with this disease.

Please take care


FPO sonya
Joined Jan 13, 2009

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