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Depressed and don't want to leave the house

Tue, August 26, 2008 8:37 PM

I have had symptons for over a year and I finally went to another Dr for a second oppinion. Once I got diagnosed with Crohns I thought great now I can start getting treated for this disease.  I am taking Colazol and I have had good response from this. However, my depression got worse and I get scared to leave the house. I absoulutely hate this. I never thought that I would scared to leave my own home. I guess its because I know what happens when my stomach starts. I am a substitute teacher and I get worried about what if I cant leave the room to go to the restroom. Its like I sike myself out of it. I am tired of always being at home but yet I am scared and I start to panic. My fear is horrible. Has anyone gone through this and if so how did you get over the fear.

Need help!Shannon/35 yrs old

FPO carolinagirl
Joined Aug 26, 2008

Thu, September 04, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for carolinagirl.

I know the feeling but what I do it just go out it you have an accident just go home and shower and change. I know it don't sound like good advise but I always have my car with me I no longer take the bus/train and I keep extra cloths etc. The more you go out the better you will be, just know where the restrooms are and stay close and you will feel relaxed.

If you want if helps to talk to people with the same condition.

E-mail me at and we can talk Anthony

FPO bklyn04
Joined Apr 8, 2008

Wed, September 03, 2008 10:57 PM

 Reply posted for carolinagirl.

pretty normal behaviour. . .i wouldnt beat yourself up about it. Depression is normal, and wanting to stay at home is normal....what i found that works, is to know where all the public toilets are...and in some cases, asking commerical places if it would be ok, if you can use their space....once you have that mapped out, you might feel more comfortable to venture out...your fear prob comes from knowing you could be caught out. Put some loo roll in your car.....and find out where all the rest rooms are........and find someone to talk with about it, and avoid total denial, which is a common thing for people who have recently been diagnosed....

always up for talking, i have had crohns for 15 years and am 32...had 3 rounds of surgery and been through it all.

and i mean, it ALL.


FPO andrewaustralia
Joined Sep 3, 2008

Thu, August 28, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for carolinagirl.


I kinda know what you feel like, I have been diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 2005 but was suffering with this from 1996, I believe I was 12 at the time, I couldn't go out much though it was very minor, but once I got to college it did become pretty bad. I never went on any of the college trips, cause I did not know what would happen if we were travelling overnight, coz my worse time is in the moringing half and after lunch. Well, it is difficult till you get used to it. All I could think of in class was when is the break gonna start and I get a chance to feel safe. I used to freak out. Medication did help, but it did make me feel weaker and it also kinda added to my depression. But, with time I learnt to live with it. Yes, there are flare up when I have no control over it, on which days I can in sick saying I have a fever or something.

I do miss out on a lot in life, but it the wheels keep turning... I hope you start feeling better soon.. You will learn in time to over come your fears.. and get things working out..


FPO martinj
Joined Aug 28, 2008

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