I was just diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis this past week after having been misdiagnosed for many years as having IBS. It has been a long battle not knowing what was wrong for so long and thinking Im just plain going crazy. I am relieved to know what it is now!
I really want to encourage you all who have ANY form of "gut" problem. I will NOT allow this thing to beat me down or take control of my life... never! I look at it as a trial that God has placed in front of me to see how I will respond to it. The question is... will I choose to throw in the towel and give up or will I choose to fight and win? I will never force my beliefs upon anyone, but if you need prayer, a shoulder to lean on, or just someone to listen... let me know. I have found that through prayer, meditation on the Bible, and encouragement it makes your spirit calm and peaceful. I personally know that my faith will only grow deeper and stronger through trials and testing, so even though this time has been hard... I praise God for bringing this into my life!
May you know the peace that Jesus offers you today and always. I pray healing for all of you out there with UC, Crohns, IBS, and any other IBD. May you find rest, comfort, peace, and joy!!!!!
Reply posted for kg.
KG... I will be praying for you!!! I know things get really rough but know that you are NOT alone. That is why I love this website...we can be an encouragement to each other. I pray that God gives you peace, rest, and comfort. I also pray for healing for your body, mind, emotions, and spirit. It is hard to not become weary in all those areas. Know that your struggle is ours too and we are all in this together!!! May you know the peace that surpassing all understanding in Christ Jesus dear friend. Blessings to you!
Reply posted for joytotheworld.
i need prayer too.
Reply posted for k.doucette.
That was a GREAT movie!!! I will be praying for your son fervently. I know that God answers prayer... I'm already seeing results from the Pentasa, and for that I'm truly grateful. We will have bad and good days, but I wake up every morning thankful for another day to live. I know that you are an encouragement to your son... you go mom!!! :) I will be praying for you as well. Support is huge for us... we need our spouses, family and friends to understand that we need support, love and a lot of understanding. If there is anything else I can do, please let me know. I wish your son all the best... he is in good hands! :)
Reply posted for joytotheworld.
Thank you so much for your encouraging email. My son is eleven years old. He was diagnosed with UC over the summer. He has been really down. I will make sure he reads your message. Have you seen the movie Facing the Giant? That is what your message reminded me of. Thanks, Kelley