That's it, simply do not give up hope. When it seems the darkest of the night and the depths of h e l l maybe upon you, know that you have the inner strength within to hang in there and fight your way back up to the Light. I lost my faith in God when I was crippled for two years with this disease and one day, I layed in bed, doubled up in pain and asking God to forgive whatever it was I may have done to deserve this and to show me the lessons that I needed now to learn to combat this horrific disease.
My eyes were opened to many, many things I took for granted. Never drank water, it was nasty - too many metals in the city water and no real flavor to it. Pepsi was my lifeblood. Coffee was something I never drank and do not to this day. Loved hamburgers from any burger joint, it was fast and cheap. Vegetables were not a part of my diet, except corn and green beans. Raw veggies to a degree were ok, loved salads. Poison. I was putting poison into my system and I believe when I was first unofficially diagnosed with Crohn's, I refused to accept it and kept on eating and drinking what I wanted. After having my gallbladder removed, that opened my eyes. And being diagnosed with Intersital Cystitis and eventually eliminiating the up to five UTI's and kidney infections each month.
We, you, all of us, can change our disease around, but it takes alot of work, alot of personal change and until one is ready to fight that demon, we will continue to suffer. Please, don't give up hope. Give some of the ideas others have shared here a chance, it may take 2-6 months to see a difference, but it will happen. Only if you want it to.
God bless you all on your journey and know I light a candle each night for my online friends here who are battling this disease.
Reply posted for ACA11.
Thank you.