So I've had Crohn's for about 18 years...I wish I could say it got easier w/time...but honestly lately it's been harder...I am in the middle of a bad flare right now & it's so hard to stay positive! Of course I have support from my husband, family & friends...I just wish SOOO bad I knew someone who had Crohn's that I could talk to! It's crazy that I don't actually know anyone who knows exactly what I'm going thru! It makes it so hard to deal! If anyone on here would like to talk or vent- please respond!!! Hope you all are doing well & staying positive!! I know how you feel!!!
Reply posted for rina.
My girlfriend was diagnosed with Crohns in 2006. She had a complete Ilestomy later that year. I know I don't know what it feels like but I can tell you I know you are going through. She has been a trooper and it just seems that she ends up with many more bad days than good ones. She knows I support her and listen to her. I have asked her to come to these forums. She is currently working but the company plans on chaning health providers. This scares the heck out her which as you know then causes stress and other symptons then take over. Depression, insceurity, more aches and pains just thinking about it. Not sleeping well. Do any of you know if there is financial assistance they you can apply for. If she loses her insurance I donb't know what we can do.
Reply posted for rina.
Rina, That's most of Crohn's patients problem, they have no understanding from their GI doctors. That's why I'm trying to find a new doctor after having the same one for 30 years, I want one that has Crohn's and understands what I'm going through when I'm having a flare up, which this time has been for 4 years. Unless you have it you just can't understand it!!!
Reply posted for stepho24.
DITO! I need the same. I can't even say I have support from my family & friends because I don't. They do not understand the disease at all and they dont seek to get educated to understand it either. If it weren't for these forums, i'd be completely, utterly ALONE. It's not fun, I know exactly how you're feeling and would love to support you.
Reply posted for rina.
Thanks! I appreciate your comment! My family and husband are great about it...but I'm sure it gets old hearing about it all the time from me! Sometimes I try to stay quiet about it, but really telling people about what's going on makes me feel better! I guess everything just seems worse when you are sick, like I have been these past 2 months! Thanks again for writing...I'm here for you too!!
Reply posted for stepho24.
Thats why i love this forum!! People who dont have this dont understand at all...they can try to be there for you but eventually they either get tired of hearing it or just wish you would get better (like we dont wish this too?!) or they just think u want attention. My own doctor told me that everyone gets crohns at some point, its nothing to worry about!! well i think if he knew how it felt and what it does to ur energy, emotions, and body..he would never say that.
Having something like this makes it hard to keep your relationships strong because no matter how hard they may try, they dont get it. We are all here because we feel the same way. We want answers, we want something to compare to, we want someone who understands what it is we are feeling. We're all here for ya!!