I was diagnosed a little over a year ago with UC, just after the birth of my daughter. i have been in a super bad flare for about 15 months now.
It's gotten worse lately and i can't even take care of my daughter without major help from my husband and parents on a daily basis. I'm feeling really down espically with mothers day right around the corner. I feel like i'm a horrible mom because with the uc and all the sypmtoms i can't even care for my baby. my husband and everyone says i'm doing a great job and to stay strong but it's just really hard to stay possive when i feel so crumy all the time and don't feel like i'm being a good mom.
any support or advise would be awesome, even somone to just talk to who's been thru this with a new baby.
Reply posted for gillianj.
Just wanted to send you a Mother's Day well wish. Tomorrow is your day and I hope you are spending it with your little one!
How did you make out w/testing? Anything new doing?
First of all, Happy Mother's Day to All of you here who are mother's!!!!!
For the person who began this thread— I want to encourage you to take care of yourself. That is not only a gift to you, but to all who love you! It is wonderful that you were able to have a child even though battling this disease. It is wonderful that you have a partner, and others to lend support in raising your child. Allowing others to help is a gift not to just yourself, to the child, and to those you allow into your heart! From what I've heard, "it takes a village" to raise a child, regardless of being well or sick!
I do not have children, nor a partner at this time. I hope one day to have a family of my own. I do the best I can to reach for this goal. I was dating and recently was broken up with due to my being sick. It is what it is. These diseases filter out people in our lives who could not handle or do not want to handle difficult times. Friends who are only around when we are well enough to go out and live it up, tend to fall by the wayside. I've recently been in hospital, and hope my flare of total-colon U.C. will end so I can taper off Prednisone.
My best help during this rough time was from my own Mother. Though 75, she was able to help bring me to a point where I could return to work. She lives a state away, but stayed with me for a month. I pray I can heal and can take care of myself now. Friends pitch in, neighbors, co-workers, but a Mother's love—there is no comparison.
Never underestimate the power of good that you can give just simply by being a Mother!!!!! Even when you are not physically well, you have given life and love to a child and you also give this love to your husband. And that is the greatest gift. Love.
May you have healing and may you have comfort and peace on Mother's Day.
Reply posted for gillianj.
Just because you need help taking care of your newborn does NOT make you a bad mother. In fact it makes you a better mother. It proves that you want the best for your child no matter what, and I think that's really admirable. There are a lot of people without Crohn's who turn to others to get help with their children, so you should not feel ashamed that you need the help. Regardless, I hope you find a treatment that works for you soon and that you feel much better! Hope you have a great mother's day! :)
Reply posted for Lizzies Mom.
well just spoke to the dr and they want me to go to the E.D. at the hospital to get checked out and get labs done to find out what is going on since i've been having insane killer pain and bloody runs and not really able to eat anything the last two weeks. so now i'm just hoping that i don't end up spending mom's day in the hospital. those "better days" need to get here fast. :(
Reply posted for gillianj.
You are going through a tough time, but better days are coming. Listen to your family.........I'm sure you are a terrific Mom. You should take a deep breath and celebrate, yes celebrate, your a MOM. In my opinion there is no greater gift.