I was diagnosed with Crohn's more than 20 yrs. ago and had to have a re-section. Over the years, I had 2 more surgeries, but only for scar tissue. No flare-ups. After the 2nd "scar tissue" surgery, I was told by that G.I doc that he saw absolutely no signs that I had ever had Crohn's. So, for the last 7 yrs or so, I have lived believing that I never had it. On November 1st, I had another re-section, this time for active disease. And now I am freaking out. With the original diagnosis and for a while after, I took medications like Prednisone, Azulfidine, Metrodonizole and did really well taking them, besides the hair loss and the new mustache from the steroids. Now my new G.I. doctor wants to start me on 6MP.
I've always had a crazy paranoia with taking new medications with potentially bad side effects. After reading all the potential side effects with 6MP, I am freaking out.
Anyone else taking 6MP? How are you doing on it? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Reply posted for stormy.
Reply posted for Stormy.
I was on Imuran (6MP) for almost 6 years. It was a great drug for me, and I only had one fistula while on it.
Reply posted for Stormy.
I suffered from UC for 3 1/2 and then started researching online. My husband was my donor and it has now been almost 4 months of being back to normal, having normal bowel movements - no gas, no cramps, no urgency, no blood, etc. I am back to eating anything I want after 6 months on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet.
If you would like to read my story and see links to other articles, email me.
Just don't give up thinking it is hopeless - there is another way. I am not on any drugs and completely symptom free.
These digestive issues are caused by a imbalance in the bacteria in your gut, most likely from antibiotic use or sometimes food poisoning.
Just google Fecal Transplant and you will find how it is being used to heal digestive issues - I had UC and it healed me.
Email me for a link to my blog - kwi_sky@yahoo.com
Reply posted for Stormy.
Sounds like you have a great guy! Not everybody is strong enough to take the ups and downs of marriage, but think about it, if the role was reversed, wouldn't you do the same?
As a parent it is my job to take the best care of my children. In the beginning it was more difficult than now, after all she was only 4 and I had never even heard of CD, UC, IBD. Fast forward 9 years and we have found a new "normal". You know the drill, bloodwork / gi visit every 3 months, bone scan, EGD/scope every other yr, modified diet, supplements, meds, but we are well.
I was diagnosed with CD four years ago. In hindsight I had this condition from early childhood, but medicine wasn't what it is today and I just kind of went through life being misdiagnosed. Liz's doc had been suspicious for years (she called it), I'm where it came from! That sent me on a major guilt trip.
As a family we hit a few large bumps in the road, nearly got divorced over it, but eventually things settled down and I was able to not only focus my attention to Liz, but to my other daughter and my husband.
Lizzies Mom
Reply posted for Lizzies Mom.
Thanks for your reply. How courageous your little girl must be! Hope she is doing well.
I've thought about what you mentioned and will talk to my doctor about it. I can't get back into his office again until Feb. though, so it's now just a waiting game.
Just out of curiosity, how is it on you to take care of your child with a disease like this? Both my children are grown and I hope they never have to deal with anything like this. But I sometimes wonder how my husband deals with having to take care of me all the time. He just tells me that he loves me and it's part of his job. But I know it can not be easy on him.
Reply posted for Stormy.
I understand your denial. I actually felt the same way after my little girl was diagnosed (she was 4 at the time). Liz was put on a 5ASA and supplements and we modified her diet. I hated the idea that she would have to take meds for the rest of her life and was in disbelief. But, my little girl wasn't well so we made the changes along with the meds and she got better. I spoke with her doc about discontinuing her meds and was strongly urged not to, but I take full responsibility that I didn't listen and stopped the meds, but continued with the other modifications. Boy was I wrong! She definitely needed the meds, she was out of remission quickly and back to square 1. It took a bit longer to regain remission, but thankfully we did.
My point is this, any reason why you can't go back on meds that previously worked, at keep 6MP in toolbox for now? I understand the hesitation with immun-supression meds, I share your concerns. Maybe you can work out a "compromise" with your gi and take a wait and see approach, starting from where you left off and working your way back up (if needed).
Good luck to you.
Lizzies Mom