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Recent colon resection surgery for crohn's stricture

Fri, April 12, 2013 2:30 PM


I am 3 weeks post op from having 6 inches of my sigmoid colon removed.  I spent a week in the hospital after the surgery.  I was home for a week and was experiencing extreme nausea and vomiting.  I was admitted back to the hospital for a week due to a c-diff infection which I most likely picked up while in the hospital.  I am home now and still experiencing occasional nausea and heart burn.  Has anyone else experienced these symptoms?  If so do they ever go away?   I can deal with Crohn's symptoms but when it comes to nausea I am a BIG baby.  Any advice anyone could offer would be greatly appreciated! 

Thank you!

FPO animallover3
Joined Jan 19, 2011

Tue, May 14, 2013 3:42 PM

 Reply posted for animallover3.

Have you tried Zofran?  It didn't help my daughter but I know that it is very good for nausea.  good luck!

FPO jlynnew
Joined Dec 14, 2012

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