I was diagnosed in 2011 with Crohns Disease. I just had a bowel resection due to complications from Crohns Disease. My surgeon and my GI doctor disagree on putting me on medication. My surgeon says I need to be on medication but my GI doctor disagrees. While I would love to not have to take medication, I don't want to have to do surgery again or go through being so sick like I was prior to surgery.
The medication is Imuran and while researching I found that it scares me. There are a lot of risks associated with it and any of the others my doctor considered (Humira and Remicade).
Right now I feel great since surgery but I don't know what to do. Meds or no meds?
If i decide to go with the meds is the risks worth it?
I am having a medication dilemma and not sure what i should do. Any insight would be great.
Reply posted for barton669.
So first off, glad your procedure went well and that you are feeling well! I highly suggest viewing a presentation done by Miguel Regueiro, a renowned IBD specialist, on post-op Crohn's Disease. You can find by typing in "miguel regueiro' into youtube. Its a six video series. Answered a lot of my questions prior to my first resection in terms of who needs medicine post-op, who doesn't, what risks each severity level has for recurrence,etc etc. Very informative. For full disclosure, he is my personal GI here at UPMC. However, I feel that this presentation really outlines what any pre or post op CD patient needs to know. Like I said, its something that will answer questions. Let me know what you think. Hope this helps.
Reply posted for barton669.
I've had crohns for almost 10 years and had my first bowel resection in May 2010 and I remember going through the same thing. My gastro wanted me on Humira ( I was on Humira prior to the surgery with no success) so I decided not to go on any meds. Until 2012 when I just kept getting sicker and sicker. I was put on Cimzia until my most recent bout of cdiff. I was in the hospital for 24 long days with a crohns flare up, cdiff, and pancreatitis. A few short months later I had just had enough of feeling sick and tired. My crohns was so say "in remission" so I was able to quit the cimzia. Those big drugs are really something to think about before just up and starting them. I am currently on Imuran, Entocort, Zoloft to treat my crohns. I honestly still feel pretty crappy but I keep a positive attitude and remind myself that it could always be way more and remember God is in control :)
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