I was 13 when diagnosed with UC, spent months trying to get under control with no luck and ended up having "The Surgery"... they removed all of my colon and several feet of small intestine... That was 7 years ago.
In the past year and a half or so... I've started to get extreme abdominal pain several hours after eating (lots of other symptoms but anyone who can answer this post will already know them). After lots of ER visits and guessing games, they finally figured out that I was having intestinal obstructions!!
After going to two surgeons, as well as consulting my uncle who is a surgeon who also consulted many radiologists, it has been decided that it would be best that I have surgery to fix this whole situation... (Mainly because I like food and don't like to not be able to eat/ it happens an awful lot RIGHT when I'm about to go to sleep and I like my sleep/ and I also have a career that I would like to not get ditched from)...
Anyways, since it's been so long since my previous surgeries... I'm a little nervous about this one coming up... They will be opening my abdomen (rather than laparoscopic)... They will be looking to see if they can find the stricture as well as removing any scar tissue that they believe is invading my SPACE!
Has anyone had this surgery? If so, what was your experience? (Try to leave out any horror stories, no need to make me panic.. ) Recovery time? (They told me 2 weeks FOR SURE and they would prefer 4, but I bargained as I really like my job...) Was the pain completely awful? What are some things I will have to worry about after the surgery? Anything you know now that you wish you had known before the surgery?
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