First and foremost, I would like to communicate my desire to support, serve, encourage, inspire (or whatever it is you may need at this particular point in your life.) Although I would not have chosen my path, I can honestly say that my surgery was the best thing that has ever happened. If there is even one person in this group that can benefit from my near death experience, I want to hear from you!
My story in short (due to respect for the guidelines of this forum) is that I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease as a 13 year old and suffered for 13 years before my large intestine ruptured. My body went into septic shock and surgery was my only option. In 2006, I underwent a sub-total collectomy and spent 6 weeks in the ICU recovering. 9 years later, I am a globally sponsored, semi-professional triathlete! I am living the life of my dreams and it never would have been possible without my surgery. I am married to a sports specific dietician who has transformed my diet and I am in the best shape of my life. If you have any desire to know more and connect, my site is
My personal mission statement is to inspire and encourage people to see change as a blessing and not a burden! I would love to know how I can help you in any way! Very best.
Reply posted for tncfrench.
I would encourage you to have the surgery. Your life is far too short and valuable to continue on your current path. Yes, it will be a temporary setback but you need to focus on the "other side." In the grand scheme of life, this surgery is only a setback for what will be a much bigger setup. Please consider having this surgery sooner rather than later. I can only recommend this because it is my life's story!
Reply posted for membo123.
i was originally diagnosed w/Ulcerative Colotis 16 yrs ago after birth of my 2nd child. GI treated me with steroids for 2 years and announced i was in remission. I felt great. continued treatment follow up with GI. now new issues arrived...I went from loose to rock hard - ' *** no' not gonna move. of course when I would get extremely nervous I would have a flare up. So Dr said he was not positive he may have me originally with UC in the beginning. He thought I had <strong>ibd</strong> or <strong>ibs</strong>. after years of trying new meds 'which made me nausea'. i went to new GI said I had <strong>chronic idiopathic constipation</strong>. past 2 yrs i have had 2 incomplete colonoscopies. after being in tears with still no answers. the Dr performed another test a hi-pic enema with contrast. after that i was referred to a surgeon. she had me do a marker test and i failed. out of 24 markers 15 markers remained scattered throughout my colon beginning to end- they classified the condition as colonic inertia. (muscles and nerves of colon no longer function as they should. they have recommended surgery for the removal of large intestine. i have been searching for support with this. i miss work more now, my energy is less, my diet is mainly liquid a co worker said its probably depression. they don't get it, i drink citrate magnesium everyday and maybe have a movement once a week. i have appt to go to mayo in Rochester at end of march. i have been told if i don't have surgery i could end up in emergency surgery. i need support from someone that has been there. my family is really trying to understand. please help.
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