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First week after 2stage pull through surgery and closure of ileostomy

Wed, December 31, 2014 12:48 AM

My daughter just finished with her last surgery last week, we were all overjoyed to have her osteomyelitis closed and the hopes that she would start to have bowel movements 7-8 times a day at first and 5-6 times a day after a year. This last week has been difficult as she feels that as soon as she eats she has to go to the bathroom almost immediately, it's to the point that she is afraid to eat. We are using Imodium to slow down the stool with a little relief but not what she had hoped for. She has to go back to high school in a week and we are all really nervous about her having an accident. She is 16years old and a year ago she was diagnosed with pan colitis and after 5 transfusions, failed remicade and tacrolimus trials, she finally had a colectomy. She did great with the ileostomy, immediately felt better with her colon out, she has been so brave and strong through all this, and now this is happening to her. Any one out there with some knowledge or advice for that would be of some help?

FPO fourpelos
Joined Dec 30, 2014

Tue, January 27, 2015 2:17 AM

 Reply posted for fourpelos.

I'm sorry to hear about yoir daughter. I had a full colectomy also, so I can give you some information. Time is the key sir. Also eating a lot of oatmeal. If she is on any kind of pain medication, that should slow down her b/m. Does she have the J-Pouch made out of the small intestine? If so, it's the same procedure I had. My b/m's were too frequent to even think about trying to go to school. How long has it been since her second surgery when they took the colostomy bag off? You might want to consider giving her a full year, so that the j-pouch can start functioning properly. You know how horrible high school kids are. Best wishes and luck. Ask me anything, I've been through 6 surgeries, died a couple times, and I'm already supposed to be dead according to my Dr.

FPO 1stigmata1
Joined Jan 27, 2015

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