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The Unknow!

Mon, June 23, 2008 10:46 AM

Hello! I am 29 and have had Crohn's for 20 years. I had a colectomy in 2001, a revision in 04, and countless recto-vaginal fistula drainings beforehand. I was hospitalized at the end of April due to an abscess in my abdomen due to a fistula (they stuck a drain in me which I had for three weeks). When the drain was removed everything was fine for about a week. The small hole was closing up, however it re-opened and a CT found that the fistula came back! I am taking Flagyl and Levaquin to treat this, but go to the Dr. on Wednesday to discuss Humira. I just don't know if they will start me on that or recommend surgery. At this point the fistula is pretty uncomfortable and I have a lot of drainage. I feel bloated and really don't feel like eating.  I am TERRIFIED of having another surgery for that fact that my last one was 9 hours long, I lost a lot of blood and ended up with a sac of fluid around my pancreas (later drained through interventional radiology). Have any of you guys had more than 2 surgeries? I know it becomes more difficult as scar tissue forms.... Anyone using Humira to treat fistulas?

Any input would be wonderful

FPO ralexis
Joined Jun 20, 2008

Sun, June 29, 2008 3:12 PM

 Reply posted for Ralexis.

Hi... I'm so sorry, I can't answer any of your questions because I've yet to go under the knife. I've been incredibly curious about the symptoms of recto-vaginal fistulas and seeing as you're experienced, I thought you would be the best to ask. It's a big fear of mine; that seems like the craziest part of the disease! Are they painful? How did you get diagnosed with them? Can you get them during remission? (Actually -- can you experience many of the extras of Crohn's when in remission, like fever, etc.?)

Thanks and sorry to be of no help to you. Good luck, darling. There is something I have that can be of use to you, actually, and to everyone, really: "The Inflammation-Free Diet Plan." It might help with pain. Even if you've got to juice, it'll help you learn how to put your body in a less inflammatory state without any negative side effects via knowing the Inflammation Factor of what you ingest. And if anyone has more up-to-date information than what that book provides, please let me know @

Thanks so much.


FPO quarmla
Joined Jun 28, 2008

Tue, June 24, 2008 9:49 PM

 Reply posted for Ralexis.


Hello Ralexis, your situation sound familiar, I have also had many fistulas and many drains some for more than a year. I also had lots of abcesses and surgeries to lance and repair or place drains, all of which pretty much are no fun. My opinion surgery always is less painfull and takes care of the issue quicker than meds can after you have the fistulas. Flagl never worked 4 me. Remicade was the only medicine that ever helped my fistula disease. When my disease was active I got fistula"s If I was in remission I had less problems w/fistula"s.  I have been fistula free for almost 2 yrs. mostly I think because my disease has been quite for about that long, since my last surgery a total colectomy.

FPO daniel3320
Joined Jun 24, 2008

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