Hi. I had a small bowel resection 2.5 years ago. A few months after surgery, I had trouble with diarrhea. I was told that the resection of my terminal ileum is affecting my body's absorption of bile acids which results in diarrhea. I was given a prescription for Welchol. I took it until my last colonoscopy in this past December where I was told I had a twisting colon and the Wechol was causing hard stools. I was doing well off the Wechol until about a month or so ago. So, I was prescribed Welchol at a lower dose. My question is has anyone else dealt with this? And can I take care of the diarrhea with diet instead of the a medication?
I had a resection almost 9 years ago and since then have been able to learn a lot about foods that I should not be eating. Look into The Whole 30. It is VERY restricted, but the whole point is to get you down to the basics so you can slowly add things back in and learn what foods you do react to. I didn't actually follow it for the full 30 days, but after just two weeks I was able to identify foods that did not need to be in my regular diet.
Reply posted for eabarwick.
I had terrible gas and diarrhea after my resection. Initially I thought it was just going to be what life was like... a normal part of surgery. Then I realized I was finally seeing some major food sensitivities (before the surgery EVERYTHING made me feel sick!). For me, the culprit was dairy, which I found after just a bit of experimentation. Once I had cut that out, everything was significantly better. Everyone has different food issues, so I definitely recommend doing some experimentation or working with a dietician to help find out what's causing the problem.
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