Hello Everyone, My Story starts in 1998 when I was diagnosed with UC. I went thru ups and downs, Different meds and many colonoscopys. For the last 6 months however I have felt fantastic, Even normal. So when my doctor told me the biopsy from my latest colonoscopy show precancerous cells, I was blown away, I actually cried. Any advice from anyone on where to go from here. My appointment with the surgeon is Nov. 28th. Any advice on what to ask?? By the way I am 46 years old with a 20 year old son and a 13 year old.
Reply posted for landmac1.
The thing to keep in mind is that there have been many advances in the treatment of colon cancer. It sounds like you caught it early, which is good. I have a few friends who were in the same boat as you, and they all have done extremely well--most for many years. Your surgeon will be able to lower your anxiety about this I'm sure. Just don't panick! You will get through this!!!
shame on you. having an ostomy is hard enough. i pray your disease never progresses and you are forced to make that life saving surgery. do you think we called the surgeon and asked him to just give me surgery so i can carry that poop bag? *** no and having a stom is *** . think about what you are posting.
Reply posted for charbs.
As with any major surgery, get a second opinion, from someone not affiliated with anyone you have seen up to now, and of course do not get a second opinion from someone they recommend to you. Surgery is a big step, and it is actually 3 surgerys I am having done. My Colitis has been out of control chronic for about 4 years, and meds were useless, i could not procrastinate any longer. Make sure you really need it done, before you do the surgery, cause it hurts, alot, and u will be useless for long time til you heal, and chicks may dig scars, but they dont dig a stoma and ostomy bag, full of poop, jiggling as you try to have relations. good luck
Reply posted for landmac1.
I would first of all, get a second opinion from a specialist in the field. I had my colon removed and a j pouch built in 2003. It was an extreme step, but in my case necessary. Small consolation at the time, but a nurse did tell me I didn't have to worry about getting colon cancer anymore. When I had my surgery, my UC was in remission, but I knew that wouldn't last. So I would say get a second opinion from someone tops in that field, and bear in mind if you consult a surgeon, he'll recommend surgery!
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