So I have been diagnosed since 2016 with Crohn's and a small intestine stricture. Before any meds, stricture described as severe. Currently, I have acheived remission with diet, Humira and Budesonide (3 @3 daily), together. I have been told I would benefit from surgery. My concerns are the disease spreading and the need for a bag, after. Another concern is also a situation of needing an emergency surgery. On a somewhat strict diet, I feel well most days. I am considering trying to taper the Budes and just remain on the Humira. Any thoughts? Any experiences? Anyone able to speak about life 5, 10, 15 years after ileum resection? Thanks in advance.
Reply posted for 360Wellness.
I had the j pouch surgery in 2003. It’s a big deal two part surgery. Healing takes a long time. I had a bag for three months and hated every minute of it. I had occasional problems with pouchitis, which was finally was diagnosed as Crohn’s. Crohn’s is awful, but not near as bad as Colitis. As I’ve gotten older I appreciate something a nurse told me when I had the surgery: I don’t have to worry about colon cancer anymore. Your poops will never be the same; they have the consistency of peanut butter and go thru a roll of toilet paper a day. Still have to go quite often . But all in all I’m glad I had it done.
Reply posted for 360Wellness.
Hi! I can remember back in 1984 when I was in your position. Just a year ago I had my 4th surgery! Sounds like your disease is going toward the obstructive side like mine. I have tried numerous things to avoid surgery. I am excited that you obtained relief with your treatment course. If you have a good gastroenterologist, then there are a lot of different treatments to avoid surgery nowadays. I would reccomend if you can go see Dr. Stephen Hanauer at Northwestern Medical in Chicago. Back when I was diagnosed my local doctors knew very little about Crohns disease and I credit Dr Hanauer with saving my life.
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