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Tell me about your recovery

Tue, September 23, 2008 11:44 AM

I have had Crohn's for 9 years, and I am doing elective surgery to have an ilececectomy done laparoscopicly. I plan to do it in about 2-3 months. Basically, I have run out of medical options and have been hosptialized for blockages. I am on Humira, Cipro, and Imuran. I hope to stay health for a few months while I get things in order.

Anyway, I am curious about your pain and activity level post suregery? How were you a week? two/three weeks out? How long before you were back at work?

Also, did you go back on 6-mp or Humira or any other drug you were on post surgery? Is the reoccurance rate lower if you do that?

FPO carl0938
Joined Sep 23, 2008

Sat, September 27, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for carl0938.

Have you been on Tysabri if  ask your doctor about it surgery is no picknick the recovery period is from 6-12 months.  and i dont recommend surgery until you have exhausted all other options and meds  tysabri is a infusion and it puts you in remmision.  but in order to qualify for the drug you have to have been on all the other meds before, and if they havent worked for you crohns then you are able to get this med. if you have any other questions email me at  also i have had crohns for 11 years and have been disabled for six of them  iknow what im talking about good luck, mev

FPO mevscience
Joined Sep 27, 2008

Thu, September 25, 2008 11:00 PM

 Reply posted for carl0938.

Don't worry! You'll O.k.

I ran to the ER after I felt pain for more than 1 week(vomitted EVERYTHING I ate). As I woke up, I find out I have Crohn's with a blockaged at the colon. I didn't have a choice, so the surgery was scheduled and I stayed at the hospital for 32 days because my body was so weak. I couldn't talk loud for 6 weeks and the womb is finally heal after 2 months from the operation. I now can run and walk and thinking about riding my bike. My 2nd opeartion is schedule some time in Nov. or Dec. depends on my blood level performance. I'm depressed, but not like to show because they (family and friends and co-workers) all care about me. I just don't want to be a crying baby!

My staying at the hospital was very NICE. The nurses, surgons, and doctors are at my age, so they treated me like a person not a sick mama. They even joked with me and fought to change my dressing. I like them a lot but the hospital is too depressed to stay. I brough them cookies at the time I left and I'm sure you can have a great time too. Because you are the center, you have a choice to put on any show you want to. Sad, funny, emotional, or your best show ever. Good luck

FPO con
Joined Sep 20, 2008

Wed, September 24, 2008 3:58 PM

 Reply posted for carl0938.

I was diagnosed with crohn's colitis back in 1990 at age 7 and have tried all but methotrexate, which I will not use because of the side effects and humira because an alergist said my reaction to remicade would be duplicated with humira.  I am slightly s.o.l when it comes to taking meds, if you can I would take them.  I have had three surgeries since June 2006 and am looking at a fourth in the near furture because of my intolerance to the meds.

I can tell you this though, my first surgery was ok I was very scared and was in the hospital for 5 days. I was lucky and the hospital nurses were great and my surgeon is still my friend, it is important to be comfortable and confident with the person who will do the surgery.  But honestly, the length of recovery is very dependent on the amount of small/large intestine taken. 

As for recovery, it is not so bad.  I will admit that first day at home maybe even the second you will want to go back to the hospital and the pretty painpump, but after that you should feel fine.  I am not saying go run laps but you should be able to get up walk around, and go down stairs with just a bit of help.  As for full recovery I think that differs from person to person but I was bending and stretching with no pain by week 3/4, laughing with no pain by 4, having regular movements week 2, and so forth.

I hope your surgery goes well.

FPO mon678
Joined Sep 24, 2008

Tue, September 23, 2008 10:22 PM

 Reply posted for carl0938.

I was diagnosed with Crohn's in 1980.  I had Ileostomy surgery (laproscopic) July 2007.  I was in the hospital 7 days. I could have left on day 6 (Monday) but I was scarred to eat and I wasn't allowed to leave until I ate.  Silly, huh?!  I didn't have pain just gas.  Hospital gave me med's to help with that.  Get a pillow (  It helps with coughing and getting up.  I returned to work after 8 weeks....I had the time. My level of activity was limited but it was self imposed. First time I went out socially was about 2 months after the surgery.  I was tired so initially when I went out , I went out for a few hours at a time.  I joined a gym March 2008.  Your surgeon will give you a short list of short term restrictions including lifting.  I currently take folic acid and Imuran but I was able to stop the Pentasa.  It has been 14 months and I feel good.  The only problem I have now is weight gain.  As you already know, having Crohn's allowed me not to worry about counting calories.  Well, all food it sticking to the ribs and everywhere else.  I have gained 35 lbs  Yikes!  Lastly, Crohn's is chronic.  I had the entire large colon removed but I am taking the Imuran to keep the small colon disease free. My advice is:   stay hydrated, eat small meals 4-5 times a day, at least walk and don't eat after 8pm...who wants to  empty a pouch in the middle of the night!  Ask your doctor about taking Imodium.  Taking Imodum 1.5 hours before eating thickens the output.  By doing this, it lessens dehydration.   Eat a balanced diet.  That is the only problem I am having how.   I hope this info helps..... 

FPO cmw
Joined Sep 23, 2008

Tue, September 23, 2008 7:29 PM

 Reply posted for carl0938.

I had a small bowel resection laproscopically on July 31 and was in the hospital 7 days.  They want to hear your bowels making noises before you can drink.  I had a tube down my throat to my stomach for 2 days and also catheter 1 or 2 days.  It was irritating with tube to stomach because it goes thru your nose and my nose itched.  Not really painful there although I used my pain button every 10 minutes for a few days.  Up walking in 3 days to get bowels to move.  Pain meds can slow process down and I cut back gradually to get things going.  I was tired when I got home and like the other reply it will take about 6 weeks before your energy  is there.

It wasn't all that bad but you have to take care of yourself and do what your body lets you do.  No heavy lifting but you can get out and walk.  It has become part of my everyday routine. I returned to work after 6 weeks and was a little tired at 1st. Good Luck and don't worry. So far I'm happy my Crohn's pain is gone for now.

FPO pms
Joined Jun 17, 2008

Tue, September 23, 2008 12:24 PM

 Reply posted for carl0938.

I had a similar surgery in April, 2008 - but on an emergency basis.  At the time of surgery, I had no idea that I had Crohns.  I was in the hospital for six days.  The first three days were a blur as I was on heavy IV pain killers, but I was aware enough to recognize people and carry on  conversations.  After the pain was under control (about three days) I was up and walking short distances with a walker.  I was still taking pain medication (orally) a couple of time a days.  It was difficult for me to get from a sitting position to a standing position and it was uncomfortable for me to sit upright.

Once I went home, I got tired very easily.  However, I had some complications from some of the meds I was on.  About a week after I got home, I was put on Imuran and did not tolerate it well.  I also developed an abscess in my illieum.  The abscess was small enough it could be treated with oral antibiotics, however due to pain the abscess caused, I was back in the hospital for overnight stays on two different occasions.

I was out of work for about four weeks and worked part time from home for about two weeks.  I remained very tired for all six weeks.  After about four weeks, I could go to my sons Little League games, but could not stay for the whole game.  I regained all my strength after about 8 weeks.  I was not allowed to drive for about four or five weeks due to being on pain meds.

The one thing I will say - don't try to be a hero by not taking pain meds!!!  I tried this once and found myself in a lot of pain very quickly.  If you start feeling any pain, definitely take the meds to stay ahead of the pain.

Best of luck to you - I hope everything works out for the best!

FPO cherrmann
Joined Sep 23, 2008

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