After 6 months of wearing an ileostomy bag, I am finally having my small bowel rejoined tomorrow morning.I missed a period last week, took a test today and lo and behold, I am pregnant. I must only be by a few weeks gone!I am not going to tell the surgeons as if i do, they probably wont operate on me. I am so scared for this surgery but have been looking forward to this for months. Theres no way anything will stop me from having it.What are your thoughts?
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Congradtulations Virgogirl1
It is common to have questions and concerns regarding pregnancy and IBD. In general women with IBD are able to carry on healthy pregnancies as long as they are well prior to getting pregnant. As stated in our fact sheet on pregnancy and IBD, “Women should be well before becoming pregnant. It is not a good idea to begin a pregnancy when the disease is flaring, when the woman has recently begun a new treatment, or when she is on steroid medications. If she is already pregnant, she should continue on the regimen that has kept her well even if it includes steroids (although her doctor will try to minimize the steroid dose). Some women stop their medications when they learn they’re pregnant because they worry about harming the baby. If disease then flares, it can be very difficult to get it back under control. ” To view our fact sheet on “Pregnancy and IBD” you may go to .
There is also a great article called the Care of the Pregnant Patient with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 126 (2): 401-412, August 2015. This article will answer some of your questions in regard to pregnancy and IBD. Email or call us for more info at or 888-694-8872. Please discuss and share this information with your health care providers.
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