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surgery or cimzia/humira?

Fri, November 07, 2008 8:16 PM

I am 17 and ive had crohns for about ten years. in the last couple years i developed a rectal stricture and it causes constant constipation. ive been getting remicade for several years now and ive had about 20 rectal dilations but neither of the treatments seem to be helping anymore. weve tried to avoid surgery at all costs, but ive missed a lot of school. im starting to wonder if surgery could be a chance for a normal healthy life. i want to go to college next year (if i can graduate this year) and i wont be able to miss this much school. would anyone honestly suggest that surgery could be the right move for a seventeen year old girl? has anyone had success reconnecting after surgery for the rectum?

FPO daniellemarie
Joined Nov 7, 2008

Sat, November 22, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for daniellemarie.

Hi Danielle,

I found myself in the same boat you are in about a year ago. I graduated high school in 07 and was due to go to college the next year. My Crohn's had other plans for me. The end of my senior year I became debilitatingly sick, and even had to prolong my graduation. Since I had already gone through one surgery a few years prior and currently was living with an ileostomy (due to be removed and my bowel reconnected that year) another surgery was the last thing I wanted.
After trying remicade and humira, both with no lasting sucess, two abscesses formed and the surgery I had tried to avoid no longer became optional. I had surgery in the end of July. They removed more bowel and revised my ostomy, which will be taken down later next year (by my choice to wait).

Let me tell you, I wish I wouldn't have waited so long! I know the thought of surgery seems so final and uncertain, and the thought of a possible ostomy is disgusting. However, after living it I can tell you that my quality of life has improved SO much that it was worth every second. I am now 19, and have had my temporary ostomy for about 2 years now (I got it at your age with my first surgery). I was able to have a fairly normal teenage experience with it, in fact, it was much more normal than it would have been had I not gotten the surgery. In fact, I have now been able to keep up regular attendance along with the more fun side of college (parties and social life) that has gone fine. It would have been interrupted had I stayed sick and not had my surgery.

As much as I resisted surgery I am now thrilled I had it. It has changed my life for the better! And most likely, it sounds like you won't even need a temporary ostomy. I have been in your exact shoes, so if you have any questions or want to talk feel free to e-mail me :)
Best of luck!

FPO danamb
Joined Nov 22, 2008

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