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Still having problems after resection

Tue, November 18, 2008 2:50 PM

My daughter had surgery in April - she had over a foot of her small intestine resection.   Since the surgery she has continued to have abdomen pain.  She has gas and her bowel movements range from loose to a bit constipated.  She has missed a lot of school due to her pain and discomfort.  The doctor feels it is more stress related and thinks she may have fibromyalgia.  I can see my daughters stomach become distended and feel it get hard when she is not feeling well.  She has had an endoscopy, colonoscopy, other scans and a bacteria test.  They did find she has a bacteria but and has been put on an antibiotic.  We have seen a slight improvement but not enough!  The doctors talked about using the camera capsule but decided it was more in her head and should see a therapist.  CAN ANYONE HELP?  I do feel that she is stressed but I do not think that is the cause.  My daughter loves school - her teachers, friends and the learning.  She has missed 19 days in some classes.  PLEASE HELP

FPO lhession
Joined Nov 18, 2008

Wed, December 10, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for Lhession.

my daughter is going through the same thing, she is 16. I dont have any answers right now but if you would like to talk my email is

FPO mollysmom
Joined Dec 10, 2008

Sun, November 30, 2008 10:40 PM

 Reply posted for Lhession.

I had a resection in Jan '07 thinking that i would feel so much better. However, that isn't the case. I still have constant diarhea and I feel like I have had the flu for the past few months. When I complained, the Dr. said that he thinks the diarhea is from the surgury. 10 months later? I was taking two doses of metamucil and 6MP. He is adimant that it isn't Crohn's because there was no imflammation in the intestines after surgery. Well, after checking my blood, my liver and muscle enzymes were abnormal and he thinks its a direct link to 6MP. Now I am off of that and back on Entocort. I agree that your daughter should come to the visit with a detailed journal about what she eats and how she feels. It is an asset at the Dr!

Good luck!

FPO krbuerg
Joined Nov 23, 2008

Thu, November 20, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for Lhession.

Just because the tests are "normal" doesn't mean her symptoms aren't real.  I've been in that situation many times, and then you find yourself fighting for respect and understanding, that should already be in place.  Have her keep a written diary of symptoms and bring that to the doctor.  In her head.  That really burns me.  (Incidentally, if she were male, no one would accuse her of that.)  If your doctor doesn't believe the symptoms, get another opinion.  Furthermore, when someone is about to order a test, ask how it would change the plan of action.  I have Crohns and am a physician, so I have a little more leverage to negotiate my health care, but please don't be afraid to do so yourself.  Right now, I have posts out there asking for advice on what to say to people who think symptoms are fabricated.  If you'd like to email me individually to continue this discussion, please do -

FPO nickrystal
Joined Nov 7, 2008

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