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What Next!

Fri, December 05, 2008 9:42 PM

I am scheduled to get a jpouch on 1/12 and Weds I got a pain in my lower back so bad and so sudden I could barely drive.  In fact I ended up pulling over and had my wife call an ambulance because I couldnt take it anymore.  I thought I might of burst something. Turns out I have a 4mm kidney stone and now have to pass it.  My GI said forget it your not going to make it Im admitting you next week.  I hope everything goes as planned and I can be home for Christmas.  My 3 young kids need me here.  I was trying to make it but I have a service job and drive around all day long.  I cant tell you how many close calls I have had and I know its just a matter of time before the huge emabarrasment.  I am glad to move it up because I am sick of this life as it is.  I know it will be better based on all I have read here and on other forums etc.   Im sure I will be on this site much more after the surgery.  It is nice to have people to talk to and compare stories.  I think I dont have it so bad but it is only getting worse every day so why wait?  I ran out of drugs to take and prednisone is horrible for me and everyone around me (at times) if you know what I mean.  I was on pain meds and it blocked me up for two days.  Made me remember what life was like before this all started...and what it will be like again...wish me luck :)


FPO psj1026
Joined Sep 28, 2008

Mon, December 08, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for mtmcdaid.



Thanks for the encouragement.  I am just waiting for the call for me to go into Mass General Hospital today.  My guess is I will be operated on tomorrow or the next day.  It's a little scary but I know it's the right thing to do.  I'm going to one of the best surgeons and hospitals in the country so I consider myself lucky. I'll post how it went afterwards.


Take care,


FPO psj1026
Joined Sep 28, 2008

Mon, December 08, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for psj1026.


From what I understand, kidney stones are common for people with IBD.  I had a large one as well but fortunately, it was too large to pass but was sitting on my ureter and causing pain.  Two months after my colectomy, I had to go in for lipotripsy.  That got rid of the large one but didn't do anything for the other nine!

Having had my surgery in January, I know it's a tough time of year to be dealing with all of this.  Keep your spirits up and know that next year at this time, you'll be doing so much better...and no more "mean pills"


FPO mtmcdaid
Joined Nov 4, 2008

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