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How do you deal with Remicade Infusion Anxiety?

Sun, March 08, 2009 3:51 AM

Just the thought of another IV needle never mind Remicade itself makes me anxious.  Does anyone else experience this and what do you to overcome?

FPO penwestern
Joined Jan 13, 2009

Thu, March 12, 2009 9:38 PM

 Reply posted for penwestern.

Please believe me, it's the day that Remicade stops working that is the nightmare.  Why I ever thought it would never stop working is beyond me, but I had a great 8 years of it.  As a "hard stick" I know that some have problems getting a vein, but most nurses in the Cancer Center at the hospitals I have had Remicade in, are great. I just don't look.  Also, if you are a hard stick, warming the area with a hot and moist cloth makes it a lot easier.  Remicade for me was so wonderful.  It could have something to do with attitude, but I would fall asleep during the first part of the infusion, and literally hop, skip, and jump out of the hospital when it was over.  I never felt as good as when I was on Remicade.  Hope this helps!  Good luck to you.

FPO janet1601
Joined Mar 12, 2009

Thu, March 12, 2009 9:38 PM

 Reply posted for penwestern.

Please believe me, it's the day that Remicade stops working that is the nightmare.  Why I ever thought it would never stop working is beyond me, but I had a great 8 years of it.  As a "hard stick" I know that some have problems getting a vein, but most nurses in the Cancer Center at the hospitals I have had Remicade in, are great. I just don't look.  Also, if you are a hard stick, warming the area with a hot and moist cloth makes it a lot easier.  Remicade for me was so wonderful.  It could have something to do with attitude, but I would fall asleep during the first part of the infusion, and literally hop, skip, and jump out of the hospital when it was over.  I never felt as good as when I was on Remicade.  Hope this helps!  Good luck to you.

FPO janet1601
Joined Mar 12, 2009

Thu, March 12, 2009 9:38 PM

 Reply posted for penwestern.

Please believe me, it's the day that Remicade stops working that is the nightmare.  Why I ever thought it would never stop working is beyond me, but I had a great 8 years of it.  As a "hard stick" I know that some have problems getting a vein, but most nurses in the Cancer Center at the hospitals I have had Remicade in, are great. I just don't look.  Also, if you are a hard stick, warming the area with a hot and moist cloth makes it a lot easier.  Remicade for me was so wonderful.  It could have something to do with attitude, but I would fall asleep during the first part of the infusion, and literally hop, skip, and jump out of the hospital when it was over.  I never felt as good as when I was on Remicade.  Hope this helps!  Good luck to you.

FPO janet1601
Joined Mar 12, 2009

Sun, March 08, 2009 3:17 AM

 Reply posted for sueymac.

Thanks so much!  I will do those things.  As far as my fainting and anxiety - they are the ones that told me.  I was too upset to even give it a name.  Sometimes I react to the drug long after it has begun.  Your son is a trooper.  I would be so proud of him!

He is braver than me and I am an adult. 

FPO penwestern
Joined Jan 13, 2009

Sun, March 08, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for penwestern.

First of all, let me tell you I do not have crohn's, so I hope you won't think I am just an intruder writing to you!  My son has had two infusions--he seems to have no anxiety-or at least hides it well.  I however completely understand how you could have anxiety about further intrusion onto your person!  I used to have a terrible problem with needle anxiety but after having several surgeries I have gotten over the awful anxiety with IV's.  I guess I realized the the actual "hurt-y" part was usually only a very tiny second of time and I also hated the anxiety so much i just wanted to choose to override it.  Also, please treat yourself with some luxury on that infusion day.  I bought my son magazines of interest--that is what I do for myself when I have needed a procedure--browse at Borders and buy two or three of interest and save them for that time.  Take yourself out to lunch afterwards and take a nice treat along...  Bring a favorite movie to watch during the infusion if your place has that option.  Bring music that gives you strength...  Let the people at the infusion place know you feel anxious--they will comfort you most likely and be understanding.  Also for my son, even though he is 19, I let him choose a new DS game which I paid for--it was a nice distraction for him to play a new game.  Studies have shown that Gameboy's were as good as Versed ( a calming drug) for pediatric patients prior to surgery.  So--I hope you can get through it all and get stronger each time.  Please treat yourself well and post again when you get through it!


FPO sueymac
Joined Jan 14, 2009

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