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Bowel Resection for CD now Azathioprine?!!?

Wed, July 08, 2009 6:50 PM

In March 2009 I was diagnosed with Crohn's via a colonoscopy.  Unfortunately my bowel perforated during the procedure and I needed an emergency bowel section.  I was in the hospital for TWO WEEKS, then off work another six weeks!  It was awful.  I'm doing a lot better now.  I recently seen a specialist who suggested I go on Imuran as a (hopeful) deterrent or to prolong a reoccurance.  From what I'm reading a reoccurance is almost inevitable .  I'm looking into alternative therapies as well, but that's a mess to muddle through to try to find truth behind some claims.  Any suggestions and/or experiences?! 

FPO bonniegb
Joined Jul 8, 2009

Mon, August 10, 2009 2:19 PM

 Reply posted for IveGotIt.

Can you please post more information about the diet you were on?

Website, source etc.

Thank you


FPO upsidedown
Joined Jun 11, 2008

Sun, July 26, 2009 11:29 PM

 Reply posted for Bonniegb.


I am sorry u have not been well! Neither have I. I have had CD since 2005, being 13, and was very ill. I was on Remicade, and that was helpful, and i have been off of it since last august. But i would not recommend Remicade b/c it is a very dangerous drug. Humira is better! I had an iliocolic recection liproscopicly in october wich went well. I am on the Specific Carbohydrate diet, for almost a year nw. Was on it when first diagnosed as well. It is a VERY good diet and proven to work!!!! The maker of the diets name is Elane Gotchel (I believe thats how its spelled). look it up! It has cured CD, but may not work for everyone. you MUST be VERY strict on it inorder for it to do its job; however, u can still experience a flare up if not on meds, like me. I have been doing poorly lately, so went in for another colonoscopy this past thursday, and was diagnosed with UC as well!!!! Now, I am back on meds, for now, for the Colitis- Asacol. But soon I will be going on Humira. (it the human source of remicade.... sort of... lol.) U should look them each up, Remicade vs. Humira, online. If u have any other questions, please feel free to post more questions!! Ill be looking out for ur post(s). Keep getting better!! I hope this was helpful!!

All the best,

FPO ivegotit
Joined Feb 24, 2009

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