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Surgery Sept 9 to remove most of colon

Sun, August 30, 2009 12:00 AM

I have surgery scheduled on Sept 9 to remove most of my colon. They are keeping enough to connect to my small intestine.  I have Crohn's and was in the hospital last month for heavy bleeding.  The dr said my colon looks like old leather.  I feel lousy now, tired, pain, terrible gas!  I can't wait for the surgery but am a little scared.  It is a big step and when it's gone it's gone.  Worried about not having control of my bowels afterwards and having accidents.  Can anyone give me any reassurance?

FPO 2sillydogs
Joined Aug 26, 2009

Wed, September 16, 2009 6:22 AM

 Reply posted for 2sillydogs.

I was in for 6 days and my epidural did work ok. I think we're all whiners when it comes to this and all surgery. But it will get better...took me close to 2 months to get totally back to normal but I assure you it was worth it. Don't try to overdo it too quickly...every time I did that I'd have a little setback.

FPO bradyg
Joined Aug 18, 2009

Tue, September 15, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for bradyg.

I had the surgery on Wed afternoon and came home on Sunday.  The surgery was more painful than I was expecting. The epidural didn't work and I couldn't move all night because it hurt so bad. Every  time they called the anesthetist he increased the dose but it still didn't work. My surgeon changed me over to diluad iv and that worked. I was up the same day. Iv came out and they had a hard time getting one started because I gained about 30 lbs from fluid and they couldn't see my veins. It came out again and they changed me to oral pain meds.  The day I came home was terrible!  Probably came home too soon but every day seems to be better.  I am still glad I had the surgery. I feel like such a whiner.

FPO 2sillydogs
Joined Aug 26, 2009

Tue, September 15, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for 2sillydogs.

Hope the surgery went well. I had a similar operation in June where 75% of my colon was removed. If that's what you had, it took 6-8 weeks to recover but things are much better now. I had UC, not Crohns, and am pleased at how well things went. Although for 6 weeks I wasn't too happy. Have had no problems re bowel control but do go 4-6 times/day. The feeling however is much different than when I had active UC and I have much less a sense of urgency when feeling the need to go. My surg was called a sub total colectomy. If I can be of help, let me know.

FPO bradyg
Joined Aug 18, 2009

Thu, September 03, 2009 7:40 PM

 Reply posted for imatrooper.

Thanks for the information on the epidural.  When I told my son who is a nurse that I was having an epidural he was shocked because he thought I was going to watch

FPO 2sillydogs
Joined Aug 26, 2009

Thu, September 03, 2009 7:32 PM

 Reply posted for 2sillydogs.

I  had the epidural as well, but didn't know it was an option until the morning of my surgery and they asked. It was well worth it and not really a big deal in terms of pain to have it done at all. It is certainly freaky to think about you being that person on the operating table and I was so scared up to the moment that they gave me the anesthesia and before you know it you are up. Good luck with the surgery and recovery!

FPO imatrooper
Joined Sep 2, 2009

Thu, September 03, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for imatrooper.

That is reasurring, I hope my control is also better afterwards.  I know where the bathroom is in every store I go to.  I usually have to rush to the bathroom at least 2 times when I'm out.  I went to lunch with a friend yesterday and took a can of air freshener in the car with me I thought it was less embarrassing than the terrible smell would be.  I have been trying to keep busy this week and am surprised how fast it is going.  I watch too many medical shows on tv and can see myself all spread open with everyone looking inside.  This site has really helped me.  Thanks everyone!

FPO 2sillydogs
Joined Aug 26, 2009

Thu, September 03, 2009 8:08 AM

 Reply posted for imatrooper.

Thanks for your reply.  I am having an epidural to control the pain afterwards.  It seems a little scary but after your experience with the pain meds it sounds like a good idea.  I am still nervous but I can't wait. 

FPO 2sillydogs
Joined Aug 26, 2009

Wed, September 02, 2009 9:02 PM

 Reply posted for 2sillydogs.

After my surgery, I was pretty good in the hospital thanks to lots of pain medications. After leaving the hospital, it was very tough and I was vomiting throughout the day and night, which I know is not typical. A lot of this had to do with the strength of my pain meds and after that was out of my system, I got tremendously better. Remember to drink, LOTS! I did not drink enough, especially not enough to counter all this throwing up and ended up back in the hospital with severe dehydration, which could have been prevented at home probably. I highly recommend drinking Smart Water, it's made me feel a lot better than regular water and given me energy. It contains electrolytes like Gatorade but has just a regular clean water taste and none of those extra sugars. Also, for the first few weeks, try to have someone pull you up if you are laying down, rather than putting pressure on your stomach muscles. When I did it on my own, it definitely contributed to my throwing up.

I hope that this has not scared you, but only gave you better insight. I must add that 7 weeks later, I feel great and every moment of struggle with the surgery was truly worth it. My surgeon too said my insides were an awful complete mess. And now they're gone :) Good luck, hang in there and I'll think of you on the 9th.

FPO imatrooper
Joined Sep 2, 2009

Wed, September 02, 2009 9:02 PM

 Reply posted for 2sillydogs.

Hi there,

I was terribly scared, going back and forth with that same thought of, "am i making the right decision?" and worrying that once it's gone, it's gone and confronting the reality that it won't be there to fix and go back to normal, something that deep inside I still had hope for. But what helped me is when I made myself face the truth and reality that the colon is no longer a help to my body and it's not doing what it is made to do, and instead is ruling my life. I cannot tell you how strange and relieving it is that this toxic thing and disease is no longer in my body. It almost even feels strange to tell someone I have Crohn's Disease, because I know there is no disease or inflammation in my body right now. For the first time Crohn's is nothing like I've known it to be. It doesn't rule my life, and it always seemed to, even if I weren't in the hospital. It was always a ticking time bomb. And I feel like I've stopped the clock and even thrown it out.

In terms of worries of no control or having to rush to the bathroom, I have actually experienced more control since my surgery once things settled down. For the first weeks, life was hard and at times at night, I wouldn't always wake up when I had to go and had a little bit of leakage, but no full bowel movement or anything close. 

FPO imatrooper
Joined Sep 2, 2009

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