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Anyone with seton drains due to abcesses???

Sat, October 31, 2009 12:00 AM

Just wondering if anyone has had to have seton drains placed due to abcesses and how you are dealing with it?

FPO teacher74
Joined Oct 27, 2009

Sun, December 20, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for kfanti.

hey,  i know that i am a guy but, my first seton was on my scrotum and when it comes to the sex part most of the time it does not hurt but sometimes during it, it does hurt some but not very often.  the only thing i could suggest is to try and see how it feels.   i feel some of your pain and hope things work out for you

FPO vortex7435
Joined Dec 12, 2009

Sun, December 20, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for teacher74.

hey teach,

about 6 yrs ago i had my first one and after the it was put in the pain went away.  then about two and half yrs ago i got another and then a few months later got another and had drains put in.  they are always draining.  the 2 newest ones are located on my right butt check and makes sitting very uncomfortable.  i had to end up getting doughnut pillow for sitting on mostly when i drive, other times i sit on opposite leg to take the pressure off.  the one doctor talked about why i am on the remicade and was questioning why i was taking it. but what ever the case i am not going off of it cuz i had no symptoms since it.  he also talked about going perminate  with the bag, but i am not ready to give that up yet, i take a few Tylenol for the pain as i need it.  so mostly i just deal with it and he does not think they aren't healing like he would like them too.  my guess is that they will never come out and i can deal with it

FPO vortex7435
Joined Dec 12, 2009

Tue, December 15, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for Kermit0722.

Hi there, I had a seton drain placed about 2 months ago. i've suffered from UC since i was 3 years old and at 21 had a total colectomy with jpouch done for high grade dysplasia. about a year after they reversed the ileostomy i started back up with UC symptoms. now ive been seeing my GI doc fairly regularly for flareups which he calls "pouchitis." he usually prescribes antibiotics and the symptoms go away for a little while but then come back. about 2 months ago my symptoms were really bad and one day i woke up to find my labia was swollen and extremely painful. i saw my gastroenterologist who referred me to the colorectal surgeon since he expected it was an absess. the night before my surgery to place a seton drain, the "absess" popped. i went in the next morning and they placed a drain through what ended up being a fistula from my labia to the anus wall. ive had the thing in since. im still on antibiotics and my doctor wants me to start on 6MP before i take the drain out to see if it heals. he seems to think the fistula will just close up on its own once the drain is out, as long as my GI symptoms are relatively under control. im really scared that it wont close though. my boyfriend has been really great and understanding about the whole thing but im nervous about sexual activity with the drain in place. any advice? my doctor says it's fine but i'm still a bit afraid. im only 26 and am nervous that this is going to be my life. 

FPO kfanti
Joined Dec 15, 2009

Wed, November 11, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for Kermit0722.

Hi Kate,

Just wanted to check on you.  I've been thinking about you all week.  Hope all goes well for you on the 13th.  Keep me updated.


FPO teacher74
Joined Oct 27, 2009

Fri, November 06, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for Kermit0722.

Hey Kate,

I know exactly how you feel.  I didn't have to deal with it that long though.  I had a periannal abcess that the stupid doctor told me that he though it was a hemrrhoid.  I dealt with it for several months until it burst on it's own which is so disgusting and was unbelievably painful!  I went in in Aug. 2008 and the surgeon (different dr.) put in the first drain.  A month later another one formed on the other side so in September 08 another was placed.  Well by November 08 everything swelled up again so he put a double seton drain in.  That was a year ago.  It's less painful than the abcesses themselves but, still literally a pain in the ***!  It's like a knotted mess right in the center.  Definitely far from comfortable.  Sitting normal is almost impossible for me and tighter fitting clothes are very uncomfortable.  My surgeon said that the there's a slim chance that with Remicade treatments the tubes may be able to be removed.  I'm doing a little research on that to see how it works.  I also have to arrange everything around work since I no longer have any sick time left.  I have been procrastinating...I'm suppose to have the tubes replaced this month.  It's gonna be probably next month.  Apparently they are supppose to be replaced yearly.  Insurance is sure going to love me!  Oh well, we have to do what works.  What medications are you on?  Good luck on your procedure.  Keep me updated!

FPO teacher74
Joined Oct 27, 2009

Wed, November 04, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for teacher74.

hey teacher, in response to your post.  no, i havent had seton drains placed for an abscess.  however, i will be having 2 put in come nov. 13.  just about a week away.  ive had crohns disease since 2001.  in dec. of 2005 i was hospitalized with a perianal fistula.  i had one surgery, examination under anesthisia, to drain the abscess.  about 1 ltr. of pus was drained.  i then had two more surgeries to do the same in jan. of 2006.  the infection was so bad that it made tiny holes in my skin to drain itself.  since then its been a rough almost 4 years.  come nov. 13th i will be having seton drains placed to keep the fistula open in two places where there are already holes that it made itself to drain from.  the drains will be there keeping it open so that hopefully, and i really stress the hopefully, the once big balloon sized abscess which is now more like tree branches will close up.  it will stop draining and i can live a somewhat normal life for a 28yr. old. 
so, in turn i will have to get back to you in just over a week about the drains.
hopefully your dealing well with it, i know its hard, and it sucks cause i somewhat know what to expect this time, except this time the surgeon is leaving something in me, and i wont be in the hospital doped up on morphine with nurses to help.  ill be home, on the same *** pain killers ive been on for 4 yrs. now. 
please let me know, whats up with you,

FPO kermit0722
Joined Nov 4, 2009

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