Have any of you had, or know someone that had a resection around the age of 18? What were the results and how are they doing later on? Did the Crohn's come back? Did they have good results? We may be looking at that soon. Any imput would be appreciated.
Reply posted for Terry5116.
I had the surgery when I was 27, was diagnosed at 18. I am now 50 and have had no recurrence of the disease. I also had rectal vaginal fistula's that were attempted to be repaired 3 times but failed. Since I was so young they wanted to try to preserve my rectum to try to reconnect after healing. This did not happen so my entire colon and rectum was removed and an ileostomy was placed. At the time I was a single mother of one and really thought I would never have a normal life because of my ileostomy. Boy was I wrong, 7 years later I remarried a wondeful man who never saw my appliance as a problem at all. I lead a very normal full and happy life and can not imagine my life without my appliance. There is life after surgery. In 2005 I trained and ran a marathon in Bermuda. You must remain strong and positive to stay healthy.
Reply posted for crohnssurvivor.
Can you tell me what the undesirable side effects were?
Reply posted for Terry5116.
I had a resection in my 30s. (My doctor did not recommed resection when I was younger. On the basis of evidence at that time, he assumed the disease would reappear right after surgery.) But when I developed an ileo-sygmoid fistula in my 30s, the prevailing opinion had changed, so I was offered surgery.
The surgery helped a lot. Of course, you know that everyone is different, and it may not work out so well for your son, but I hope it does. I was symptom-free for several years and, although the symptoms did finally reoccur, they are much more manageable this time around.
Of course, there is no way of knowing if I would have had the same result when I was younger. As you may also know, this disease "burns itself out" (whatever that means) after many years. Nevertheless, I wish I had had the option when I was younger. It was a difficult recovery but may be easier now with laparoscopy. There were also some undesirable side effects but, on the whole, it was a substantial improvement.
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