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Laparoscopic Surgery for Crohn's

Tue, October 12, 2010 3:32 PM

I am going to have surgery within the next 3 weeks or so and the surgeon that I am using does 95% of his surgery laparscopically.  He will remove the narrowed portion of my small intestine and the fistula connecting the small and large intestine.  I'm relieved that it will most definitely be done laparoscopically but was hoping to hear from someone who has had it done this way.  I am an active stay at  home mom and am looking forward to a quick recovery!

FPO emmylou2002
Joined Oct 12, 2010

Fri, November 05, 2010 5:07 PM

 Reply posted for emmylou2002.

I just recently had my resection laparoscopically on the 29th of Oct. I am still in pain but it is managable with advil. I couldn't take the other pain pill I had when I was discharged from the hospital because it made me pretty nauseated.

1) Lapro was better for me because its was less painful  - although being moved to the regular hospital bed (from the one I was wheeled from surgery) SUCKED. That was the most painful experience I have had besides forgetting to take a pain pill. The incisions are small, and they look like they are healing well, and they used surgical tape instead of stitches.

2) I was able to get up and walk, no matter how slowly it took me, that helped gas and the digestive tract to wake back up. I had/have a lot more gas now than I did before surgery.

3) Funny taste in my mouth from all the pain medicine makes food taste a little different. You wake up with pretty bad medicine mouth.

4) Just waiting now until I can lift or do more. Its kind of boring, but at least I am feeling better. Overall when I did or do have pain, its no worse than any bad flare I have had. So, just think to yourself how much your super sharp gas pains or inflamed intestines have prepped you for your surgery lol.

My biggest fear about surgery was not waking up because of the anesthesia, because I had never had a surgery before. I have anxiety problems so you better believe I was researching like crazy before I had this done. Anesthesia is very safe.

Also- drink LOTS of water. No one told me to and its really easy to get dehydrated after surgery.

FPO mespeerly
Joined Nov 5, 2010

Tue, November 02, 2010 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for emmylou2002.

I had both my loop ileostomy and my subtotal colectomy performed laproscopically. Compared to it's alternative, I highly recommend lapro. I have 3 one-inch incisions around my belly button and one inside my belly button. All the cuts were maintained with medical glue rather than stitches. And all were completely healed within 2 weeks. A friend of mine her colectomy and J-pouch surgery done the old-fashioned way, and is now having issues. She's had to have 3 or 4 follow-up surgeries to address scar tissue and healing issues. She's even had to get some type of radiation therapy for it. Not to mention, her scar goes from the middle of her rib cage to below her pant line and required MANY stitches. So, you are very fortunate!

FPO trishtastic
Joined Nov 2, 2010

Thu, October 21, 2010 12:12 PM

 Reply posted for emmylou2002.

My 21 yr. old cousin had lapro. surgery for her Crohns [problems with fistula].  She recovered very well.  She has an ostomy bag for 3 months and is due to have it reversed in  a week or so.  I personally had severe UC and had my colon removed laproscopically.  Everything is great.  Lapro surgery is so not invasive.  The scarring in minimal and you recover more quickly.  Good luck.

FPO qh lover
Joined Dec 29, 2008

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