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Wed, April 23, 2008 12:14 PM

I just had my surgery on 4-8-08 and wheni left the hospital after 6 days they told me that i had c-diff and that it is normal and that after taking these anti bo i will be better,,, and i am so not! has anyone ever gone through this! i want to scream! I dont know what to do anymore. Everytime i eat i have to go to the bathroom for seriously 3 hours afterwards.... need to hear encouraging words.....

FPO jackie1980
Joined Jun 27, 2008

Thu, June 19, 2008 2:13 PM

 Reply posted for Jackie1980.

Are you better yet?

I had c. diff post surgery also.  As a nurse, I can tell you we are at risk, because we are on so many antibx but it is a hospital based infection. 

So, start eating activia youghurt 2 times daily or taking probiotics.  Do this forever or at least every time you are on antibiotics and for several weeks when done with antibx.

The treatment for c.diff is Vancomycin and or Flagyl.  The vanco is expensive so it might not be ordered at first. 


FPO lin
Joined Mar 18, 2008

Tue, June 17, 2008 3:08 PM

 Reply posted for sueymac.

Did your son start the VSL #3 yet? i was just given a prescription for this and havent started it yet. Is it working/helping him?

FPO yfarren
Joined Jun 16, 2008

Tue, May 27, 2008 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Jackie1980.

My encouraging words... ugh... KEEP AN EYE ON IT!!! Stay in touch with your doctor, and if you don't get better get a second opinion!!!

I too was told that C Diff was "normal" and the antibiotics would make it go away.  3 weeks later I had to get my colon removed.  Just be very careful. 

I hope you get better, but let me tell you.  Surgery is NOT the end of the world.  You can imagine at 23 I thought getting a "pouch" would be "Oh my God, the end of the world," but its been fine.  I live the exact same lifestyle as I did before the surgery.  You really can't even tell under clothes.  I had surgery in March, and I just got back from an awesome Vegas vacation.  I need two more surgeries, and by Christmas, I'll be me again.

FPO cmorris
Joined May 27, 2008

Sat, May 17, 2008 4:26 PM

 Reply posted for Jackie1980.

C-Diff is a pretty sticky bug. It can be very hard to get rid of, but with Vancomycin and Flagyl, it usually clears up.  My daughter had it, but unfortunaltely, her colitis has failed to clear up and will get a colectomy next week.

It is very difficult to have C-Diff especially if it causes nausea and vomiting along with the diarrhea. I would encourage you to replace your fluids and hang in there. Once it clears, it CAN re-flare so, be sure that your doc gets stool cultures/c-diff tests any time you start having diarrhea again.

Sure hope you are better by now.

FPO bzmarty
Joined May 17, 2008

Mon, May 05, 2008 8:46 PM

 Reply posted for Jackie1980.

Please read about VSL#3, a probiotic blend that has been studied for Crohn's and seems to be helpful.  Your gastroenterologist may be able to prescribe it so you don't have to pay out of pocket.  It could help restore your gut's bacterial balance to where it should be.

I don't sell this and have only just ordered it for my son...but I have been reading about it and think it is worth looking into after you have been on those meds.

Good luck!


FPO sueymac
Joined Jan 14, 2009

Wed, April 23, 2008 5:04 PM

 Reply posted for Jackie1980.

Hi, there.  I caught C-Diff. in mid-January of this year I believe and it took three months for me to beat it.  Once I got over the C-Diff., the symptoms didn't go away, which led my Doctors to believe that I had another disease.  I just found out last week that I have Crohn's Disease.  The Doctor's believe that I wouldn't have caught the C.Diff. had I not had Crohn's. 

I took Flagyl then Vancomicin to beat the C.Diff.  Just so that you know, these meds. can make you sick.  My family Doctor suggested I take Imodium to cut down on the diarhea, but I found out from my specialists that you should take Imodium when you have C.Diff. because it will cause the disease to back up.

I really feel for you...I felt like I was going to die somedays when I had the C.Diff.  I lost 29 pounds in three weeks when I had the C.Diff.


FPO pembroke
Joined Jun 1, 2008

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