Im a 35 yr old female w/crohns.I was diagnosed in 1991 at age 15.Had 3 sm bwl resections and numerous other related surgeries.Now my crohns is not active but b cuz of all the surgeries, i now suffer from severe pain and diarrhea.I take percocet and lomotil evry day of my life and still cannot live a normal body has b come immune to the lomotil almost and i now have a serious addiction to pain meds. everyday is a struggle to funtion.anyone out ther with similar expieriences? I just want to live a normal life!!!
Reply posted for mrsjewleree.
Well i' made it home : )
So i was in the hospital almost 2weeks after my surgery. But now i'm home. I know i still have a long road to get to the new me but i'm on that road and so far so good! I'v been eating and wanting to eat more. I can't remember the last time that happened. The pain meds are helping with the pain. And after I change my bag a few times it doesn't seem so odd. I really think this is going to be a great new beginning . I'll keep you posted.
Reply posted for awgs237yahoocom.
I just had surgery #3 myself...I've had Crohn's for 7 years and all traditional treatment options have failed for to keep the disease in remission. I do know that after each surgery, I never feel the same and the pain never goes away, remission or not. I also have an addiction to pain meds and am working very closely with my PCP to ween myself off, even though the pain is still there. Its awful, and everyday I say the same thing, I want my life back. I am going to be 26 next month and would love nothing more than to be healthy and not have these issues to worry about. I don't have any advice to offer, just that I have an idea of what your feeling. You are not alone. I realized this was posted a while ago, how are you doing now??
Reply posted for mrsjewleree.
looking forward to hearing back from you about your surgery. I was wondering, is your crohns currently active or are you having the surgery to stop all the pain and diarrhea? I have feared having to have a bag one day. I dont think i am strong enough to mentally deal with that. I get so embarrassed when im constantly going to the bathroom,especially when im out in public.I have not done much research on the bag, so i reallywouldnt know what to expect if i was told i had to get one.But i guess if it took away my pain and diarrhea, i would find a way to be okay with it. Please do let me know how things turn out for you. I wish you the best of luck and will have you in my prayers.
Reply posted for awgs237yahoocom.
our stories are very much the same. I found my crohn's when i was 18 but had been sick for a few years. I'm now 37 and have had about 5 different surgeries and now have had the worst year yet. I started last year with a 5 week stay in the hospital. When i was there they said the next surgery that i would have would be "the big one". I'd end up w/ a bag. I always knew that was something that could happen and now its that time. I was so sick and tired of being sick and tired so now in July I will be having the surgery. They think that will help with the pain and the trips to the bathroom ( 10-12 times a day) and now that the day is set i'm ok with it. I will be able to enjoy and live my life sooo much better! I'll let you know after my surgery it i'm right. Good luck to you! I hope it helps to know that there are others in the same boat.
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