My mom had her ileostomy Nov 14th this year, came home on Thanksgiving. The bag itself is functioning,but everything she eats hurts her stomach and gives bad heartburn. She is losing weight too, down to 95 lbs now... Any advice is helpful, she's worried and cries a lot, don't know what to do so I am reaching out to others who had this surgery.
Reply posted for Ape130.
i had this surgery one year ago. my whole colon was severly affected and i had lost almost 50 pounds BEFORE surgery. when i came out of recovery my surgeon told me i needed to eat very bland foods and foods that are easily digested. i was also advised to drink ensure or boost 2-3 times a day to get my nutrition back up......and my weight. i followed instructions and gained weight without problem. occasionally if i eat lettuce, cabbage, or anything with a peel or skin on it..i can feel everything moving through my system, but never had any major problems. i can relate to her feeling hopeless......i was def there for many years!!!! i was afraid after i had my surgery that i would be self concious about having an ostomy at the age of 28, but i just thank God for guiding me through all this and giving me my life back!!!!!! i wish her the best of luck and just hang in there. support, patience, and being educated are a huge help!!!
Reply posted for boopster.
The doctor ended up telling her it was because her insides are still swollen from the surgery and since she has no fat right now the small intestine opening is pretty narrow so food is having a harder time pushing through. Anybody have suggestions for "stretching" it?
Reply posted for Ape130.
I had an illiostomy in Aug. I lost quite a bit of weight, which is normal. I suggest eating small amounts of food that appeals to her. My tastes changed a lot. Drink a lot of liquids, it's easy to get dehydrated. Be patient, it will improve!
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