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Insurance won't cover me, can I get disability?

Sun, March 25, 2012 7:00 PM

I found out today I make too much money to qualify for my state insurance. The funny thing is I've been on and off medical leave since January. I guess my problem is just complications from C. Diff still hanging out in my intestine. Is there any other reason it would be inflamed and cause abdominal pain? I also have problems emptying, but I can't seem to get anywhere close to a diagnosis of what's wrong. So I've been spending most of this month in and out of the doctor and emergency room trying to figure out what's going on here.
Anyway I can't really handle my full time job anyway, and it's making me not qualify for my insurance which I need because I'm on so many medications. Unless anyone knows of any better for less than fifty bucks a month. Most of my money goes to student loans, groceries and gas. And the funny thing is I just want to be back in school, so I'm working to pay off a student debt I have at my college so I can go back to school. I'm thinking a part time job and/or disability will actually pay off better for me.
So is there anyone out there who can actually get on disability for this stuff? After my surgery when I had an IV attached to my arm I couldn't get on disability. Now I don't have any treatable illnesses according to my doctor, just non-specific abdominal pain. And I do have depression, but I don't want to pretend I'm crazy just to get a stipend for living from the government. This is probably pretty state specific for laws, and i live in MN, does anyone have experience with this?

FPO hey2308
Joined Jul 23, 2008

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