Hey everyone, over the last 6 months I had a temporary iliostomy and j pouch and I just got it reversed 2 weeks ago. I foolishly thought the worst was behind me, but recovering from this surgery is KILLING me. I feel like I have to go to the bathroom all the time and many times I fail at keeping it in end up having to change my underwear. Every time I do go, I never feel like it is all out and so I am uncomfortable all the time. To make matters worse, I now have a rash from wiping so much and now going to the bathroom is this huge ordeal because using toilet paper hurts so much. PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME IT GETS BETTER! I have heard that it can take many months up to a year before people feel back to normal! I will die if it takes that long. I have always worked in a restaurant and so the only work I know how to do involves me standing up for long periods of time. Well, I have to start working as soon as possible but I cannot imagine trying to work like this. Please someone tell me if they experienced the same thing and if it somehow gets better.
Reply posted for mmalwerdt.
Thank you so much for the feedback!! I am so glad you are doing better. I will be sure to tell my husband how you were feeling the same way he is now but that you are doing so much better. Keep me posted on how you are doing and I will do the same. It has been about two and a half months since his last surgery.We knew it would be rough but didn't think it would be this rough and was wondering if this was normal or if there was something wrong. It appears this is all normal and we just have to wait it out. Take care!!
Reply posted for rainhue.
Rainhue, I understand exactly how your husband is feeling and it is very discouraging but don't let him give up hope. My doctor told me I would never be completely back to normal, because the fact is that we no longer have our large intestines and our body simply will not function the way it used to. HOWEVER it will not always be as bad as it is now. My doctor told me that I will always go to the bathroom more times a day than most. But this time when your husband is practically living in the bathroom will end. And I promise, one day he will be able to sleep through the night without having to wake up to go to the bathroom, and the extreme sense of urgency every time he has to go will end as well. It does become much easier to live with. It has been about 4 months since my surgery. Unless I eat right before I go to bed, I can expect to sleep through the night, and I am back at work like normal and no one would ever suspect that I've ever even had the surgery. The last few months I was very careful about what and when I ate, planning around that so I could still go out and pretend to be normal. Now, I don't have to plan as much out. I used to hate eating at work, because after, I would be miserable. Now, I'm packing huge lunches and eating what I want and I will only go to the bathroom once after and I will be fine after that. So, don't let him get too discouraged. I promise it will get better and it will get easier to live with. Whether he will go completely back to normal, I have no idea. I'm in the same boat as him wondering about that one, but I can guarantee that it will not always take over his life the way it is now. Just give it a little time. Best of luck to him and his recovery!
Reply posted for mmalwerdt.
Mu husband had the third of a three part surgery. The first one, he had his colon removed and then the second one, they made the J Pouch and the third one, they reversed the bag. He is having a terrible time dealing with this. He is constantly in the bathroom day and night. He gets very little sleep and misses about a day a week at work. Luckily, they are understanding. He burns and itches and last night he ended up in the emergency room with watery movements that just leaks out of him The doctor asked him what they told him about his recovery and he said it would take about 3-6 months to get better. He shook his head and said he will never be back to normal. I tried to tell him that this is not the doctor's area of expertise and not put much stock into what he said but of course he is all discouraged and afraid to eat anything. I told him the success stories on here but he is choosing to believe the doctor. I feel so bad for him. Any words of encouragement would help convince him to keep the faith. Thank you!!
Reply posted for mmalwerdt.
I see you posted this 2 months ago, so I hope things are going better for you by now.
I had the same procedures done 4 years ago and am fine now. But it does take
awhile to get back to normal. About the painful rear end .....EUCERIN skin cream
really did the trick for me. Just the plain Eucerin (NOT the kind with oatmeal in it.)
Also, if you can soak in a warm bath once a day, it somehow helps.
I also wore a pad (really LONG ones) everyday for several months after the operation.
Then I didn't have to worry if something leaked while I was working or unable to
get to a bathroom right away. Also, I wore adult diapers for sleeping for about
2 months after the operation. Then, I could relax and sleep.
Good luck to you! Things will get better! Now I hardly even think about all that
stuff I went through. You will be fine! I am so glad I had the operation. You will be too!
Be patient with yourself. Your body is healing. It just takes time.
Reply posted for Scott01.
It gets better! I had my surgery over 30 years ago and went through the same thing. It took about 6 months for the good days to outnumber the bad.
Just take the Metamucil as much as you can, it help, and watch what you eat.
I promise one day soon,you will be glad you went through this and don't have the bag.
Reply posted for mmalwerdt.
I had this surgery four years ago and i am doing well. They took out my whole colon and i had an ilostamy bag for three months and then they reverse it. It took me awhile to get back to my old self. I am on new medication which helped out alot too. But i am doing alot better since the surgery. Better than before the surgery so it was worth it. Keep your chin up. It will get better.
I'am also 2 weeks into my reversal and just started having the burning and rash for the last two days. I have been using Butt Paste and Vaseline. Butt paste is used for diper rash and it seem to help alittle but it is driving me crazy too Hope this helps a bit and hope thins get better for both of us...
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