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Somebody Please help me !!!!! This is my second surgery "I'm scared " !!!!

Wed, November 14, 2012 10:56 PM

Please somebody I feel so alone with this diease. This will be my second surgery and when my surgeon sat with me to consult I did not realize all of the possible complications that could happen with this second surgery. I was obstructed with my 1st so it was emergency surgery so there was no time to sit and consult.

I have had crohns diease for 12 yrs .  I would appreciate so much if I had some one to tell me I can make it. blondiehurts

FPO blondiehurts
Joined Jun 10, 2008

Sun, November 18, 2012 7:07 PM

 Reply posted for blondiehurts.

I know exactly how you feel and you are definitely not alone. We all have our ups and downs. I think that in any time you are going to have surgery. You are more susceptible to complications. On October 29, I had my entire colon removed and I experienced complications. I developed abscess on my bottom (anus/rectum) they did not drain cause I responded to antibiotics and they rather not poke around where surgery was done. I also developed a urinary tract infection which also responded to the antibiotics. My hospital stay was supposed to be 3-5 days after surgery and I ended up hospitalized for almost two weeks. Yeah, definitely be prepared for complications, these things just happen. I am sure you are in great hands and I wish you the best of luck. Also, remember that your recovery depends on your state of mind. Just think positive and you will be fine!!! 

FPO marielac2
Joined Apr 16, 2011

Sat, November 17, 2012 9:44 PM

I was diagnosed with Crohns in 2010 and had my first resection in Feb 2011. I was 33 years old. Now, less than two years later, I have my second surgery scheduled for Dec, only a few more weeks from now. 

I'm scared, too, and sad. I hate how soon this has happened and wonder  how often I'll need future surgeries and if they will be even more frequent.
what has helped me is remembering how great I felt after I had recovered from the surgery. I could eat again, travel, I had energy....

Also, I've been a better advocate for myself. I had a consult with the surgeon who did my first operation and I didn't feel comfortable. I spoke to my GI doctor and got another surgeon recommendation. I feel much better about this doctor. He will also have a gynecologist in the operating room with him because my abscesses (4 to date) always present around my ovary. Very scary to know that I might lose an ovary, especially since I haven't had kids yet. Maybe kids won't be in the cards for me now, but my health is more important.  Trusting my surgeon is more important. 

Best of luck to you. I hope you get some comfort in knowing you're not alone. 

FPO lizajane
Joined Aug 17, 2010

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