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Virtual School vs. Regular Elementary School vs. Home School

Tue, January 14, 2014 4:23 PM

Hi all,  New to the forum and relatively new to being a Crohn's mom.  We are investigating educational options for our elementary school son with Crohn's.  I was wondering if you all had experiences with the Virtual Public Schools (Connections Academy, K12, etc.).  I know a number of states (FL, GA, PA, etc.) are offering those programs, but don't know if the quality of education/opportunities for socialization are there.  Any thoughts, experiences, etc. you can share are appreciated!  And hang in there parents of IBD kids -- you are not alone!

FPO binchy1995
Joined Jan 14, 2014

Fri, October 20, 2023 6:52 AM

Reply posted for binchy1995.

I am new here and also relatively new to being a Crohn's mom. Regarding virtual public schools like Connections Academy and K12, I have heard some mixed reviews. It might be helpful to explore online forums or social media groups for parents in your specific state to get more tailored insights. Also, if you are looking for resources or information on managing your time effectively, you might consider seeking out cheap ghost writers who can assist you in documenting your experiences and challenges. And yes, we are in this together, supporting our kids with IBD!

FPO jacklinalbert
Joined Nov 12, 2021

Mon, September 26, 2022 6:39 AM

Reply posted for Zetta4543.

Virtual school is a school that provides education through the Internet. All lessons and assignments are provided online, usually on a computer. The student can work at his/her own pace and at any time of the day or night. Regular elementary school is a school where students attend classes for a certain number of hours each day. The educational program follows the curriculum set by the state board of education, and teachers are required to follow it as well. Visit this k2 spice spray walmart  for more differences. Home schooling is similar to regular elementary school, but it happens outside of a classroom setting. Parents are responsible for providing their children with all the necessary learning materials, including books and other supplies.

FPO Zetta4543
Joined Mar 3, 2022

Fri, January 24, 2014 12:16 PM

Hello....I have a 23 year old son who was diagnosed with Crohns Disease at 15 years of age but probably has had it since he was about 8. I homeschooled him from the 3rd grade all the way through highschool and I have to say... it was for us probably the best thing we did. Between his sick days and the side effects of the Prednisone....he really needed to be home so he could lay down when he needed to... go to the bathroom when he needed to.... and do his schoolwork when he felt up to it.  Socialization was not an issue because he made many  friends through a homeschool group that we joined which provided many personal relationships as well as many eductional and recreational outings.  We talk about it now looking back...and personally I dont know how he would have made it through regular school and graduated if we had not homeschooled. It is a wonderful option...but it has to work for both of you. 

FPO crohnie mom
Joined Jan 24, 2014

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