Our son has an IEP and is currently in 9th grade. We are having a lot of trouble getting the school district to provide home instruction when he has a flare and is not able to attend school. The school does provide a teacher who comes to the home for up to 5 hours weekly but they only can teach English, History and Spanish. We have asked for instruction who is certified in biology and geometry but are told the IEP only guarantees some educational benefit, not instruction in each subject. The school district and the various disability advocates tells us that this is an unusual IEP since he is a good academic student, not developmentally disabled. But, we believe, they are denying him access to reasonable education. It is unrealistic to expect him to return to school classes after missing 8-12 weeks without instruction in all core subjects. Has anyone else run into this situation? We don't know of other teenagers who have an IEP due to Crohn's.
It may be helpful to contact the Department of Education in your state. Search for information on the Student Disability Appeals Process. Also search for information on requesting a hearing to resolve your concern. The Dept. of Education for the State of CA, has the following description on their website about Home & Hospital Instruction Program Summary “Existing law requires each person subject to compulsory education to attend full-time school or continuation school. The Home and Hospital Instruction Program (California Education Code Section 48206.3) serves students who incur a temporary disability, which makes attendance in the regular day classes or alternative education program impossible or inadvisable. The district in which the home or residential health facility is located is responsible for instructing and educating pupils who must be hospitalized or remain at home due to a temporary but extended illness or disability. There is no provision in statute that specifically addresses instructional content; however, the goal of home or hospital instruction should be maintenance of the pupil's former level of performance while recovering” read more at: http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/eo/hh/ .
My son has Crohn's and is currently in jail. T....
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