Community Forum

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Happy to find this forum

Wed, November 04, 2009 1:00 AM

Hello from across the water. I live in South Africa, but as I can find no support groups for crohns in this country and because I find this to be the most informative, non panic- inducing site, I have signed up.

My son is 9yrs old and was diagnosed last year, after a horrible time of uncertainty and fear. He is actually doing really well now, on Azathioprine and Pentasa. It has and continues to be a learning curve for us all.

We saw a therapist last year as a family and he had some sessions on his own because it was really hard for him to deal with. he developed a needle phobia from the constant bloodtests and major separation anxiety.

It's just wonderful to read the entries here and see that I am not alone in my worry and concern for him. Trying to allow him to grow up a normal little boy and not be too overprotective, while at the same time protecting him. We had the H1N1 here over our winter and I kept him home for two weeks because it was at his school. I just went with my gut because my husband and I are not going to take the chance. Over the top? Maybe.

Suppose it's just getting used to this new normal...

FPO neesie
Joined Nov 4, 2009

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