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Is Mommy Sick Too??

Sat, November 07, 2009 3:38 PM

Hi all,

I have a quick question.........Is Mommy Sick too?

This is the new question in my home because I was sick for the past six days.   I could NOT leave the house, even missed my daughter's Confirmation (feel sooo guilty).

As some of you know, my nine year old has been  a CD patient for most of her life with no familial connection.   Now after all this time, I think I too have CD.   

Thinking about my childhood, I used to suffer from ridiculously high fevers (they would disappear as fast as they came).   I also used to get mouth sores (poo-pooed as too many in-season tomatoes).   Swelling of joints occasionally (my dance madame thought I was kidding).  Severe weight loss in 8th grade (diagnosed anorexic).  Redness of skin  (dermatologist thought possibly rosacea).   Fatigue (who doesn't have that)? 

Now I am a Mom of 2 in my 40's, try to take care of 5k  every day, pilates 5 days a week, active with kids, eat organic, the whole thing.......and guess what??     Mommy thinks she is sick too.

I am keeping a strong facade for the kids sake, but Monday I'm calling her gi's office for an adult gi recommendation.  

What are some of your thoughts, have you been tested??

Lizzies Mom


FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009

Sat, November 28, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for lorraine.

Yes, I am an overly thorough individual.  I looked through the website and also checked with my daughter's gi.  I actually have an appt. with a new doc. on Jan. 6.  I'm guessing the next step will be to get scoped.  I'm just hopeful they can put me the right meds to get me back on track.  I've been so fatigued since the episode on Halloween weekend.  

On a separate note, how are you coping these days and how was your Thanksgiving?  

Lizzies Mom

FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009

Sun, November 22, 2009 9:00 PM

 Reply posted for Lizzies Mom.

I guess you've thought of checking out the physicians through this website?  I found a doc for my son, that he's trying to get an appt with (once he gets his insurance card). My feeling is, is that if they are hooked up with this site, they probably have some interest in this community. Lots of luck!

FPO lorraine
Joined Nov 4, 2009

Sat, November 21, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for lorraine.

Thanks for asking, the charming doc. called me last night......guess what, he admitted he was surprised.   All of the markers came back positive for Crohns.  Nobody in my family knows, probably won't let them in on it until after the holidays.   I knew it.  I'm going to have schedule a scope after I find a competent doc!  Once again, I have to just suck it up and deal........not letting them in is already killing me inside.

Lizzies Mom

FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009

Fri, November 20, 2009 9:19 PM

 Reply posted for Lizzies Mom.

I was wondering how you were feeling these days.

FPO lorraine
Joined Nov 4, 2009

Tue, November 17, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for lorraine.

I guess we have all had poor service at one time or another......makes me crazy!

How are you holding up?   I know only too well that the waiting game is horrible.   Keep me posted on your son's situation.   I hope he is getting a little relief with the low fiber / residue diet.  I know that in combination with meds it has made a tremendous difference with my daughter.

Be well.

FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009

Tue, November 17, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for Lizzies Mom.

This reminds of one doctor I saw for an eye emergency. He was a resident. When I went back for a follow up visit I told the assistant that I didn't want to see him. Lo and behold, he was the one who had the next opening. He said to me, I heard that you didn't want to see me. Well, I thought for a minute.....and then I decided to see him. I figured that I would tell him why. I told him that his manner was demeaning, and that I didn't appreciate the way he treated me in a medical crisis. I thought that he needed to know this so that he would think twice before he would treat others the same way. Hopefully, it gave him food for thought.  hope you enjoyed the story              Lots of luck on the testing

FPO lorraine
Joined Nov 4, 2009

Sun, November 15, 2009 10:22 PM

 Reply posted for lorraine.

thanks so much.   i truly do appreciate it.  i met with the gi friday.....what a *** !   we already had a confrontational discussion.   he was so condescending.   this guy was younger than me and thought just because he has the md after his name that he was far more superior than me.   then i informed him of perhaps not having the medical degree that he has, but living the real life with a sick child for the last almost 10 years!   uhhhh, it was awful.   however, i am using him just for the script to have bloodwork done.   i need to see if i have the markers for this or there will be no rest.   thanks again.  

FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009

Sun, November 15, 2009 6:13 PM

 Reply posted for Lizzies Mom.

We all would want to take any illness off our kids. You know how that you need to take care of yourself, so that you can take care of your child. My best wishes are with you for your colonoscopy. You have been a source of strength of me, and I hope that I can be there for you, as well.

FPO lorraine
Joined Nov 4, 2009

Wed, November 11, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for lorraine.

I don't have an appt for a colonoscopy yet, just an initial visit with the gi doc.  (set for Friday).   I'm guessing that will be followed by blood work, stool workup and yup the scope!   As for the prep, I am all too familiar.  My daughter has been done 5 times and every time I do the two day fast with her and am the one giving her the tablets, fluids and enema (yuk)!  I'd rather it be me any day of the week.

Thanks for the mail.

Lizzies Mom


FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009

Tue, November 10, 2009 10:30 PM

 Reply posted for Lizzies Mom.

Rebekah has not shown any of these other symptoms. I hope she doesn't. My first symptoms were fatigue and 'funny' feelings in my lower stomach. I also had pain to the touch in the left and right lower sides. I was going to the bathroom more than I normally had. But I had appendicitis in 2002 a year after Rebekah was born and I thought that and the mushier stool was due to that surgery.
I hope you feel better soon. Now that I am having better days, I really really hope I don't ever have anymore bad ones. I doubt that will ever happen, though. I have heard that 2/3rds to 3/4s of all Crohn's patients need surgery at some point in their life. I'm hoping I can beat the odds.

FPO laura
Joined Apr 25, 2008

Tue, November 10, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for Lizzies Mom.

Have You made an appointment for a colonoscopy? The prep is the worst part?. If you can find it, find Robin Willliams' routine on his colonoscopy. It will make you laugh, I'm sure. I was telling another patient about it before I went in, and apparently I was still talking about the farting as I was coming out of the anesthesia.

FPO lorraine
Joined Nov 4, 2009

Tue, November 10, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for Laura.

HMMM, are our similarities a coincidene or not???? 

I had my other daughter checked two years ago because she was/still is very tall and lean and after a ton of worry and Lord knows how many more grey hair, the tests came back Negative!!   Amen.   I cannot begin to tell you the relief I felt. 

Now, after my most recent episode (it had me down for 6 days), I cannot just sit and wait for another "flare".(?)   I did call my daughter's gi yesterday and was given the # to a couple adult gis.   Luckily I was able to get in Friday.  I'm guessing it will only be a quick history/once over exam, followed by blood work, stool samples, and yes......eventually the scope.   I think I have put the pieces to the puzzle together over my childhood to present and will not be surpised with a CD diagnosis.

Has your daughter ever shown other signs/symptoms?   Swollen/sore joints, skin irritation, mouth sores, etc?  I've learned over the years that many patients actually learn to live with the symptoms because they become used to it and just accept it as the "norm".  It is a good sign, though, that she is growing at a healthy rate.  Unfortunately my daughter isn't, but again her disease may not be as controlled as we had thought.

Lizzies Mom  

FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009

Sun, November 08, 2009 10:50 PM

 Reply posted for Lizzies Mom.

Definately get checked out... even if you don't have CD I think you'll think it was worth the trouble just for the peace of mind of knowing for sure.  As a parent of a child with IBD you have plenty to worry about as it is! 

Good luck!

FPO mominmichigan
Joined Jul 24, 2009

Sun, November 08, 2009 10:06 PM

 Reply posted for Lizzies Mom.

I find this post really interesting. I have just the opposite situation. I am the one who is sick, and my 8 year old is the one I am worried about. She also has had really high fevers that come on with no provocation out of the blue, with 'tummyaches' right in the middle of her belly under the belly button. She has been diagnosed when younger with constipation, which we have tried to remedy with healthier foods, but sometimes I just wonder; could it be? She is growing normally, she has plenty of energy, but when these tummyaches hit Crohn's is the first thing I think of. I really really hope she doesn't get it, or either of my other two children, who are already grown and out on their own. I know it runs in families, and her risk is pretty high with me having it, but I am really hoping it skips over my children. The only other person in my family that I know of that has IBD is my last living uncle and some of his children.
Any thoughts?

FPO laura
Joined Apr 25, 2008

Sat, November 07, 2009 8:59 PM

 Reply posted for Lizzies Mom.

I'm glad you are getting checked out! My son has had CD for a year and a half and is finally growing and acting like a teenager with his Remicade treatments. Like you, I feel like I've had it all my life, but my blood tests never show anything, but why am I always fatigue? I'll be turning 50 in a year and a half so the colonoscopy will be the real test. I've had a endoscope, but that didn't show anything. Hang in there!! God Bless!

FPO 22
Joined Nov 16, 2008

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