I have a 15 year old daughter diagnosed with Crohn's at age 11. Her mother and I have applied to camp Oasis on her behalf. My daughter has a very shy and quiet personality and does not want to attend. We feel like this will be a tremendously uplifting and rewarding experience for her. Any tips on how to convince her that this will be a good thing? Once she gets there and meets new friends I am sure she will enjoy the experience. She is just very nervous about it.
My 22 year old daughter was diagnosed with UC 6 years ago. She never went to Camp Oasis. Our neighbor's daughter happens to have UC and CD. She was 11 when diagnosed and goes to Camp Oasis every year and loves it. My neighbor said there are family weekends too. Maybe you can all go as a family first and she can see what she thinks about it. You can call CCFA and find out more about the family weekends.
Reply posted for lizzies mom.
Thanks for the tips. I think we will check out those videos.
Reply posted for stratt25.
You are right that this will be a very rewarding experience. My daughter was dx w/cd at 4yrs. old and started going to Camp Oasis 4 years ago, each year asking if I signed her up yet. Why not suggest looking on youtube and allowing her to see for herself all of the new experiences she can have. Perhaps contacting your local CCFA office and ask for their assistance. They may be able to put her in touch with another girl so they could start talking before camp. It is hard to articulate the words to convey how priceless Camp is. Prior to going to camp Liz didn't know any other kids with IBD . It's good for them to know that they aren't alone in this battle.
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