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Monthly Cycle Help

Mon, May 26, 2014 9:45 PM

Hi Ladies! I have been having issues during my monthly visit.  Is this normal for us IBDers? My GI doctor said that my worsening symptoms: horrible, painful cramps, bad flow, etc., has nothing to do with my UC.  Have any of you experienced your IBD symptoms worsening with your monthly visit?

Any suggestions on how to make it less painful during this week once a month?


FPO emily kate
Joined Jan 25, 2011

Sun, June 22, 2014 11:58 AM

 Reply posted for emily kate.

I was actually diagnosed on the first day of my period last month, I ended up at the hospital needing 2 units of blood transfused. Exactly a month later, and I was back at the hospital for 2 more units of blood. My Dr decided I needed to go on birth control for the moment to stop my periods. She expressed concern that I could end up needing transfusions every month if I didn't. While we are working on the UC medication, I have been put on the Depo birth control shot. I took it for a few years until my husband had a vasectomy, and I never had a period on it, so we thought it would be a good first step to get my bleeding under control from at least one spot.

FPO rottielovie
Joined Jun 22, 2014

Fri, June 13, 2014 5:36 AM

 Reply posted for emily kate.

Was just talking with my doctor about this issue.  I definitely have an increase in symptoms during my period.  I'm currently on a pretty high dose of prednisone and was doing well until I started my menstrural cycle.  Then I had about three days where I was back to awful cramping and muscle spasms, diarrhea, etc....  Once my period was over, things calmed down again.  My doctors said that your IBD symptoms can most definitely get worse around your period and they hear about this frequently.  Even in people without IBD, it's pretty common for your digestive system to act up around menstrural cycles.  So I think when you are suffering from IBD, it's just that much worse.  I'm really surprised your doctors have said there isn't a correlation.

FPO missykd
Joined Jun 12, 2014