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Lialda + Remicade + Pregnancy?

Fri, August 12, 2016 3:22 PM

Hello All,
Just curious if anyone can tell me if they've had successful and healthy pregnancies and babies while on Remicade and Lialda. I just had a colonoscopy and endoscopy yesterday and the results were great. There are no signs of active Crohn's! My GI Dr. told me it's a great time to try for conception. 

I'm scared to be on both Remicade and Lialda while pregnant. I'm wondering if anyone can share insight on this? Any experience? For some reason I'm stuck on the idea that Lialda is a  bad idea during pregnancy. Would love to hear from anyone in a similar situation. I've been on these medications for 10+ years, 27 years old. Thank you!

FPO jsnyder
Joined Jul 1, 2014

Sun, January 29, 2017 9:48 PM

 Reply posted for jsnyder.

Hello, I see this post is a few months old but wanted to say that I had a successful, healthy pregnancy on Remicade. I haven't taken Lialda before but I was nervous to get pregnant while on Remicade. I spoke to my GI doc though and she thought it would be okay. It was not an option for me to go off of it bc it is really the main med keeping things under control. I take Remicade every 6 weeks and am on 10mg/kg if that helps. My baby boy is 8 months old now and is completely healthy. I had absolutely no complications during pregnancy or delivery--of course the usual nausea and effects that come along with pregnancy but that is to be expected. I can also say that my Crohns has not gotten any worse since delivery. Good luck to you!

FPO linz02m
Joined Jan 29, 2017