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Pap smear came back with mildly abnormal cells

Tue, March 10, 2009 12:00 AM

So they did the HPV test and that came back negative.  Since I still technically am in a flare- but doing better the dr. feels it is due to the inflamation.  Of course I felt okay about it- but now more I think about about it - I worry.   Especially since I am on Imuran.  My GYN feels i can wait a year to retest?  Has anyone else had a abnormal pap smear due to IBD flare?  I wonder if I should retest as soon as I feel I am in a full remission?  Any advice or thoughts?

FPO asohn
Joined Dec 22, 2008

Mon, March 16, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for asohn.

I had the same thing and was on Imuran.  I think I had read somewhere that this is common when on Imuran..don't quote me.  I was also in a flare, but once on Humira, off Imuran, and no longer in a flare, my pap smears have all been normal. 

FPO stampermom
Joined Aug 27, 2008

Thu, March 12, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for asohn.

It doesn't surprise me.  My PAP's have been normal, but the inflammation from the Crohn's has found even another spot to roost in and that is my bladder - Cystitis. 

Although the actually disease is located in the lower right quadrant of my intestines, I have hundreds of lesions lining my intestines.  My stomach is fine (knocks on wood).

I would continue with the follow ups for sure, and keep a watch for any skin discoloration. 

How long have you been on the Imuran?

FPO aca11
Joined Mar 3, 2009

Wed, March 11, 2009 7:47 PM

 Reply posted for asohn.

I had a similar situation happen  in May 2008.  I went in for my annual pap, and it came back abnormal... I was shocked, because I had never had an abnormal pap smear before, and I was scared.  I was also on Imuran as well.  I went in for a follow up a couple of weeks later (they were supposed to do a biopsy) and my doc said the biopsy wasn't necessary.  She just took another sample to run to the lab, and it came back normal.  Sometimes you can get an abnormal pap, and it may not mean a thing.  But she did say to come back in 6 months, and I missed that appt, so I'm finally making it back in next week.  Plus I am consulting w/the doc about trying to have another baby.... so I'm excited!  I wouldn't get worked up about it, but I would go back in to have it re-checked in about 6 months.  Good luck!!

FPO britt1449
Joined Mar 11, 2009