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Crohns and yeast infections and feeling not well..oh my..

Thu, July 09, 2009 12:00 AM

Hi all. Recently I diagnosed with a yeast infection and started on terazol 7 cream to treat it. While I was on it I thought I felt pretty much ok, but towards the last few days of it I was feeling worn out and off and on nauseous and started having worse Crohn's pain. (where large and small intestine meet). At times that area feels swelled to the touch (goes back and forth). Anyhow, at the moment I am finished with the cream. I am not sure yet if it;s cleared the infection or not. But I am feeling crappy. Tired, abdominal pains (mainly in that one area on the right side, but left as well and center over pubic bone). I feel like I am getting my period even though it just ended last week. My legs ache, I seem to have to urinate more frequently. I feel slightly feverish. I even had some in between bleeding (but this has been happening off and on for months now-gyn thinks could be Crohns messing with my periods)I don't know what is going on anymore. If I was expecting my period I would think nothing of this because I tend to get a vast array of PMS symptoms which usually does include symptoms I just mentioned (worn out, legs ache, worse ab pains, frequent urinaation, nausea, and even at times feverish feeling). I am on Asacol. I am not sure if the problem is either med (gyn thinks the YI cream could cause uterus cramping or aggravate the Crohns) or the Crohns or something screwy with my period or yeast die-off or what. Anyone go through a similar experience? I am at my wits end right now. I never know what dr to call or what to take or not take or do. I am scheduling an appt with my gastro for next week for him to check me out. I also have a gyn appt scheduled in a couple of weeks.

FPO mariella
Joined Oct 31, 2008

Mon, August 17, 2009 9:07 AM

 Reply posted for ACA11.

hi. my name is sue,

this is the first time responding to all the messages that I have read. Can I ask, what is on this diet? I have alot of the same frustration that the other gal was talking about. can you share.

FPO love my dogs
Joined Aug 17, 2009

Thu, July 09, 2009 8:56 PM

 Reply posted for Mariella.

I was seeing my doctor five to six times a month for UTI's and yeast infections.  We finally decided to get me to a urologist.  He refused to put me on meds, instead put me on the IC diet (  That was back in February 2009.  I am free of both of them.  The diet is very hard to start, and takes the better part of six weeks to see any changes, but if you can eat what is on there and stick with it, well, I'm living proof that it works.

My heart goes out to you.

FPO aca11
Joined Mar 3, 2009