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Pregnancy and Lialda

Mon, November 02, 2009 10:26 AM

Has anyone been pregnant while taking Lialda during the entire pregnancy? If so, please let me know how it went.  I'm skeptical about taking that medicine while being pregnant-please let me know

FPO durango18
Joined Sep 24, 2008

Tue, November 17, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for mommy2twinz.

Did you have to get a referral?

FPO durango18
Joined Sep 24, 2008

Tue, November 17, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for durango18.

Better safe than sorry I always say! I say get a high risk doctor, depending on where you live it shouldn't be to hard to find one. I went to a group of doctors and so I visited high risk and regular physicians but the high risk doc's knew when to check me into the hospital, it is hard to differentiate between U.C. pain and baby/ labor pain so if you go to a high risk they can watch you closer.

FPO mommy2twinz
Joined Jul 24, 2008

Sun, November 15, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for Malgosia77.

Mom with Twins and Magolosia,

Thanks for the was very helpful.  So do you guys think with me having UC-that I should stick with a high risk OBGYN?

FPO durango18
Joined Sep 24, 2008

Sun, November 15, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for durango18.

I have UC and have suffered three miscarriages and my twins were born 9 weeks early. My Gynecologist said that it was unrelated to my UC but once I found a decent gastroenterologist doc and asked him about it he said he is willing to bet money that my disease is why I had problems with my pregnancies. My hubby and I were talking about having more babies but I first want to have my disease under control and even then I would make sure I have a doctor who knows what they are talking about and specializes in high risk, who cares if they think you need it or not, better safe then sorry, there is nothing as emotionally draining as losing a baby or having to deal with infants in the NICU!
Good Luck!

FPO mommy2twinz
Joined Jul 24, 2008

Sun, November 15, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for durango18.

For my first pregnancy, I was only on colazol & canasa for the entire 9 months.  I had an awesome pregnancy.  I also had a great delivery. I had my healthy son naturally.  The only problem I had was afterwards.  I flared up & had problems controlling my uc for the next 3 years. 

I am now 4 months pregnant.  I was taking lialda & imuran.  I only stopped because i had bad morning sickness & couldn't swallow any pills.  I am slowly taking both meds again as I enter my 2nd trimester. 

I have a great gastro & he told me to remain on imuran during my pregnancy, but my OB told me not to.  I found an awesome gastro who specializes in UC.  She works for Mt. Sinai Hostpital in NYC.  She told me to remain on imuran.  We are trying to prevent a flare up during & after the pregnancy.  I was so sick after my 1st son I couldn't even take care of him.  Thank God for my Mom. 

I am doing great so far.  All my sonograms & blood test show everything is ok.  My new gastro recommended seeing a high risk ob just in case I do flare up.  I haven't made an appoinment yet.  I plan on doing it soon. I am also taking part in a research study for pregnant women with UC.

Good luck.  I hope everything works out for you.  I feel really good about my choices so far.  I am sure you will make the best descisions for you & your baby. 

FPO malgosia77
Joined Jul 9, 2008

Thu, November 12, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for durango18.

Durango, the testimonies I have read are here, I have been a member of this community for some year. Also in, there is a blog of moms with IBD.The best information you can get is through your doctor. It is my understanding that if you do have UC, you need to see a high risk OBGYN, better is the dr. has any experience in your condition.

FPO amidala
Joined Apr 22, 2008

Mon, November 09, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for Amidala.


Where can I read about the testimonies about women who had normal pregnancies while taking Lialda?  Also, how long did you wait after taking birth controls to try to conceive?

FPO durango18
Joined Sep 24, 2008

Mon, November 09, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for Amidala.

When I went to OBGYN-he stated that people with Ulcerative Colitis are not considered as high risk-I believe he was not telling the truth.  Would you recommend at high risk OBGYN?

FPO durango18
Joined Sep 24, 2008

Sat, November 07, 2009 2:25 PM

 Reply posted for durango18.

Durango, according to FDA mesalamine (Lialda) and mesalazine (asacol)are ranked B, so it is safe to use during pregnancy, in fact is the safest med to use for UC during pregnancy, On the other hand, not taking your meds can lead to a flare which is very dangerous for you and the fetus.

I am taking asacol and the baby is doing great. But unfotunately I am still flaring. I have read dozens of testimonys of gals that went through a normal pregnancy with lialda and have healthy babies. You need to talk to your GI and high risk OBGYN so you can get all the info you need.

FPO amidala
Joined Apr 22, 2008