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The Messy stinky Diarreah

Fri, May 21, 2010 12:00 AM

It's so embarrassing, this morning I had another bathroom accident my bowels lose muchi I am so dam frusterated the flare ups I don't know what to do I do have a Gastrologies that prescribe Pentasa&Welchol. I am very active around people I am getting to the point I will not eat when I go out not knowing if  I'll have a fast reaction I do not want to embarrass myself nor the people I am with. Most people never heard of this. Just don't know don't know I want it to go away this awful feeling I need answer some one to talk to who understand

FPO wellsjackeline
Joined May 21, 2010

Sat, June 12, 2010 6:27 PM

 Reply posted for wellsjackeline.

If you're still having these problems, you need to tell your doctor the medications aren't working. It's not your fault. And the doctors won't know if the medicines don't work unless you tell them. There is probably something else that will work for you. If they suggest Humira, check the website at, and see if they can help you with payment.

Also, ask your doctor about what kind of diet is good for you. When I'm having a flare, I go on the low-residue diet, which helps reduce the diarrhea problem, and gives my bowels a rest. On some days I just go on liquids, like Ensure or Boost. It's not a cure, but it helps you feel better. 

There are also some prescription medications that can calm intestinal cramps, they work a bit better than over the counter stuff. Keep looking up information and learning all you can. The more you know about your condition, the more you can help yourself. Good luck.


FPO tahani
Joined Mar 7, 2008

Sat, June 05, 2010 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for wellsjackeline.

Hi sweetie! I feel your pain. I 2 have Crohn's since 1991 and have had a lot of trail and error. Maybe the meds you are on are not working good enough for you. I am on Remicade and it has done wonders for me. I still have some bad days but nothing like before. I am so thankful for this stuff. Talk to your doc about it. Dont feel bad about it, yes its embarrassing but hey it is what it is and we cant change it. Live life baby!

FPO earvinsred
Joined Mar 28, 2009

Sun, May 23, 2010 3:24 PM

 Reply posted for Amidala.

Today have not been so bad I have a cold and each time I cough bathroom here I come no joke its sickening to go through this i am very active its like a dirty dark secret that i carry around when I go to someone house I chk where the closes bthrm is lol certain foods I will not eat if they've been sitting to long salads a no no, I don't understand once you eat the food seem to go straight through you like a  wide open fossit, girl I do carry extra under wear with me. My most embarrass moment is when I go to Calif to my cuz. house I have uncontrollable bowel movements I mean it will not stop it feel like my insides are coming out then it finally stops, Help Help I take various over the counter meds to stop going to the bthrm, on one of the medical channel the person said not to take any thing that person may have not experience the onset you mess on your self your clothing your car then you have to face your family friends they are asking are you alright huh you say am I alright at that particular time I don't really know all I want is for it to go away

FPO wellsjackeline
Joined May 21, 2010

Fri, May 21, 2010 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for wellsjackeline.

I know the feeling, I always carry extra underware in case I have an accident. I never used to eat breakfast so I could come to work without any "risks". I almost never eat out, and since I am so skinny, some people have asked me if I am anorexic cause I wont eat out of my house.

I just think we have to let go a little. Try and accept that we all have accidents (I had one at the supermarket the other day), and don´t stress over it. It is not our fault that we are sick. It is not a crime that we have violent diarreah attacks...I am used to make fun of it, and myself, so that it wont stress me as much...little by little.

Hope you get better soon. 

FPO amidala
Joined Apr 22, 2008