Hello Guys,
My son 12 y/o son was just recently diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. He loves sports and all he could think about is how we could no longer play baseball again. Turns out, Jake Diekman, a pitcher for the Texas Rangers also battles with Ulcerative Colitis too...Jake has been a huge inspiration to Chris and I wanted to share Jake's campaign in case there are any other kiddos or sports fans suffering out there that are big sports fans! Thought it was great knowing there is a sports star out there trying to benefit CCFA.
Jake Diekman of the Texas Rangers just released a limited edition T to raise money for Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America!
Reply posted for colitismother.
Don't forget to tell him about other sports stars that also have either Crohns or UC - hockey has several players including former stand out Kevin Dineen, part of a long standing hockey family. For sure his disease does not instantly mean he can't play sports at all. Just the opposite. Stories like many in the sports world shows he definitely can continue to play. He just needs to be very proactive with his disease, and educate others about what's going on.
Reply posted for colitismother.
I'm really glad it's an inspiration for your son, but it's an inspiration FOR ME TOO! I don't even play sports, but sometimes I feel like because of my condition (UC), I can't go anywhere, do anything, or be anyone important. That is of course not true, but it's easy to feel that way when feeling so physically bad.
It's nice to know successful people are making it happen even with the disease.
Reply posted for colitismother.
Would you be interested in knowing how I cured colitis? It's a long story, some people don't believe in cures especially if they're simple, and I 'd like to share my solution with anyone who will listen. Peter
Reply posted for colitismother.
Thank you for the information. It really helps to know that there are other people with the disease out there living great lives.
I am so sorry to hear that your son with only 12 has it. Could I ask how is he doing and what is he taking. All the best for your son.