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Help needed for college student

Thu, August 11, 2011 9:52 AM

Hi - my 22-year old son diagnosed with Crohns 2 weeks ago and 1 semester left to graduate college.  He is on Budesonide and lialda and responding well.  But needs to regain weight which he lost this summer before being diagnosed.  He will be living with many roommates in apt and he's not much of a cook so I need help in making it easier for him to get through his 4 months.  Need ideas for what I can send him to school with for his fridge/freezer.  What about instant breakfasts/ ensureplus/boostplus??  What about cartons of  simple free range chicken broth and other healthy soups that he can just heat up?  He has been eating Amys pizzas (regular cheese pizza) lately and so far he says they have been fine...  he drinks skim milk ok.  I know no fresh fruits or veggies.  I'm thinking of making a healthy vegetable soup and sending him up with quarts of that.   Thank you!!!  I'm feeling lost.

FPO janie
Joined Aug 11, 2011

Tue, August 30, 2011 2:14 PM

 Reply posted for superdivagirl01.

Thank you sharing your experience.  Sorry you had to take a semester off but hopefully you'll be back in full swing before long. 

FPO janie
Joined Aug 11, 2011

Tue, August 30, 2011 12:59 PM

 Reply posted for janie.

I actually want to thank everyone who posted on here. I am a 20 year old college student, and actually had to drop all of my classes this semester because my Crohn's has gotten so bad.  I am going to check out the web-pages suggested for diet.

I hope your son gets better, and I was doing a food combining diet for a while, which worked as long as I stuck to it. But that is not easy to do. Since your son can handle pastas and things like pizza it might be something to look into for him.  Pretty much don't eat grains with meats, you digest both of then very differently and people with IBD tend to have trouble digesting them at the same time.  I would make a meat dish and fill up on veggies, just make sure the veggies aren't starch (potato, sweet potato, squashes)... So on. And with grains, if I had pasta I would try adding veggies to the dish, and veggie  pizza back when I could still handle tomato sauce.

I hope this helps.

FPO superdivagirl01
Joined Apr 26, 2010

Tue, August 16, 2011 12:31 PM

 Reply posted for alanschachter.

Thank you so much for the specificity of your responses - I will explore the sites you recommended.  It's so generous of you to share your experiences.

FPO janie
Joined Aug 11, 2011

Tue, August 16, 2011 8:18 AM

 Reply posted for janie.

My daughter is not a Crohnie but here is what I did to "help" the healthier eating lifestyle.  I made extra veggies and froze single servings.  She could pop them in her microwave.  The day she left to return I would make beans and rice for her to carry down.  I made oodles of soups and froze them for her.  I baked muffins and froze those.  This list goes on.  I used to have 10 nice coolers ;).  Those coolers traveled the 4 hour drive many a Sunday.  Her friends loved it when she got back.  Now the year she spent in a dorm, I could not send as much.  She would bake potatoes in her microwave, heat up some of Mommy's veggie chili, and have a wonderful meal.  It took us a little time to figure it out.  Oh, mom, when he is home, teach him how to cook. 

FPO breezy
Joined Jan 5, 2009

Thu, August 11, 2011 10:13 PM

 Reply posted for alanschachter.

OK - he's home for a few days before going back to school so I will try using some gluten free pasta and see if he likes it.  What can a 22 year old college kid eat if he eliminates grains?  Not just rhetorical but what could he have for breakfast (eggs? or protein shake) lunch (no sandwich or gluten free bread, no pasta....) dinner ?

Can you please tell me how to make a good, safe protein smoothie for him?  Can i find the coconut milk without guar gum at Mrs. Greens - organic grocery??   Not sure why he thinks eating pasta is fine for him..
Alan - what do you suggest I read for more info and meal ideas.  Unfortunately it has to be easy to prepare - he's in an apt. off campus with lots of guys.  Only 4 months of school until he graduates.
Are you a dietician?  You are so knowledgable.  Can't thank you enough.

FPO janie
Joined Aug 11, 2011

Thu, August 11, 2011 6:50 PM

 Reply posted for alanschachter.

Alan - I thought cooked veggies would be in a good homemade veggie soup?  Was just driving around the neighborhood here and saw pizza place advertising gluten free pizza....maybe he can find that up by school with not too much cheese.  He seems to be able to tolerate some dairy - skim milk seems ok for him and he has had some pizza with no problem.  He's a big pasta about gluten free pasta? 

Thanks so much.  Also saw in the produce aisle some organic fruit juices that are veggie/fruit ....

Right now he wants to regain some weight....I was looking at high calorie - ensure plus/ boost plus...what do you think.  Even Carnation Instant Breakfast powder mixed in skim milk or lactaid...

Thank you so much for responding.  Makes me feel like I'm not completely alone.


FPO janie
Joined Aug 11, 2011

Thu, August 11, 2011 4:17 PM

 Reply posted for janie.

Maybe the college disability office can help with ideas.

FPO ez
Joined Nov 9, 2008

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