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Total Colectomy for UC

Fri, June 21, 2013 11:39 PM

Hey guys, 
I have had UC for about 14 years now; was diagnosed when I was only 9. My mom also had UC and ended up having a total Colectomy. She thinks that I should do the same, and soon, but sometimes I feel like I'm too young/not ready for that yet. I think eventually it will be the right choice for me, but not now. Part of this is that I don't know anyone else with UC or Crohn's, and have never heard from anyone other than her about it. 
Every time I have a flare I think about it more seriously, and they seem to be happening more often lately. I'd appreciate if anyone is willing to share their feelings/experiences with me regarding this procedure! I don't know anyone else with Colitis, so it would be nice to hear from people who understand. 

Thanks so much =]


FPO kcm
Joined Jun 21, 2013